Atomic Habits by James Clear
Theme: Through building and breaking habits using a systematic approach, you can make a huge impact on your life.
Summary & Key points: Atomic Habits highlights the importance of building positive habits and breaking negative habits. Some important points I took away:
  • Implementing habits is a way to increase productivity, while decreasing brain power and energy required.
  • Small, incremental habits compound over time, leading to remarkable results.
  • Optimize your environment to make good habits easier and bad habits more difficult.
  • Implement effective habit cues that trigger desired habits.
  • To start a habit: make it Obvious, Attractive, Easy, and Satisfying.
  • To break a habit: make it Invisible, Unattractive, Hard, and Unsatisfying.
Why I recommend it: Since we all know that consistency compounds, I really liked that this book provides a way to build habit stacks, so you can do more things you want to get done without making any drastic changes.
I would rate it 4/5, everyone should read if they haven't already.
Bernardo Maulshagen
Atomic Habits by James Clear
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