Your Health is Important
Pay attention to your daily signs & symptoms!
A lot of us don’t settle down during the day long enough to realize your chronic tiredness, constant anxiousness, and lack of concentration is not normal.
Your health is something you should notice and learn because your body is with you for your entire life.
There are a few things you can start paying more attention to:
  • how you feel throughout the day,
  • how you are fueling your body ( are you hitting your protein? Providing it with the necessary carbs and fats daily? How about your micronutrients from veggies and fruits?
  • How much water are you drinking per day?
  • How would you rate your stress level per week?
You are your biggest health advocate.
Get to know your body.
It keeps you alive.
Kristen Bold
Your Health is Important
BoldForge: Pain Into Strength
Increasing your mental toughness and resilience while learning how to make health and wellness a priority in your life.
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