Write something
Sleeper Tracks
…we all probably have them sitting on our hard drive somewhere. Maybe 40-70 seconds of a good idea that just couldn’t reach the 2’00”-ish mark whether it was the day or the idea, but still sounds completed. Or something that started as a sketch and sounds good but just doesn’t sit with the rest of what we might be doing currently or have catalogued. What are your strategies for these? Do you hang onto them to work into something at just the right moment? Or does it make sense to use these instances as releases on non-exclusive platforms (like Tunecore or something) if they’re completed and useable, but not necessarily destined to be pitched anywhere? Delete them and forget they ever existed and allow the idea to re-manifest appropriately (this kind of sounds like extreme composition!!! 😂😂😂)?
New comment 5d ago
Setting up a template
Hello there, I wish to ask you how do you select libraries to put in your template? I mean, how you choose that string library instead of another and even more difficult how do you incorporate synths and FX (as they are countless)?
New comment 6d ago
Believe In Yourself
I wanted to talk about something that’s super important but often overlooked: self-belief. The reason I’m writing this is that I’ve seen so many talented producers get stuck not because they lack skills, but because they don’t believe in themselves. It’s something I’ve struggled with too, and I think it’s crucial to address it. Believing in yourself is key in this game. It’s what fuels your creativity and keeps you pushing through the tough spots. Self-belief is about trusting your abilities. It’s that inner voice that says, “You got this.” But we all face challenges like self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Negative feedback and comparing ourselves to others can knock us down. It’s part of the journey, though. To build and maintain self-belief, start with positive affirmations. Tell yourself you can do it. Celebrate the small wins – every little achievement counts. Focus on your strengths and set realistic goals. Don’t be afraid to fail; see it as a learning experience. Building self-belief isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a continuous process, but totally worth it. Believe in your journey and your unique voice. Today, I’m your inner voice: You’ve got this!
New comment 17d ago
Platform for giving/receiving music feedback?
Hey team, One thing I noticed is that often people struggle to receive feedback on their tracks, specially during the early stages. I'm a beginner in music making (and correct me if I'm wrong) but I think if you start a track in the wrong path, is really hard to fix it later So I was wondering, what if there was a platform where I could publish my tracks (raw or complete), and receive feedbacks? I was thinking something like this: unlocking a feedback you receive would cost points that you gain when giving feedback on other tracks. You could gain more points, for example, in case where your review was really good and the op rewarded you with more points. I'm a software developer and I could build this myself. The question is, is this worth the effort. Would you be interested in using a platform like this?
5 members have voted
New comment Aug 9
Getting Unstuck
I’m finding lately that if things stop flowing for a bit and I step away from a piece of music and enjoy a little time outdoors, I can come back to it with a clarity that will easily lift any feelings of being stuck. Sometimes a B section seems like staring at a black hole but somehow after connecting with nature for a little while and forgetting about it, I seem to arrive at an answer that’s much more “right” than the one I walked away from forcing. What are some things you’re all doing when you need to return to your creativity with renewed clarity?
New comment Aug 5
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