Sleeper Tracks
…we all probably have them sitting on our hard drive somewhere. Maybe 40-70 seconds of a good idea that just couldn’t reach the 2’00”-ish mark whether it was the day or the idea, but still sounds completed. Or something that started as a sketch and sounds good but just doesn’t sit with the rest of what we might be doing currently or have catalogued.
What are your strategies for these? Do you hang onto them to work into something at just the right moment? Or does it make sense to use these instances as releases on non-exclusive platforms (like Tunecore or something) if they’re completed and useable, but not necessarily destined to be pitched anywhere? Delete them and forget they ever existed and allow the idea to re-manifest appropriately (this kind of sounds like extreme composition!!! 😂😂😂)?
Kevin Williams
Sleeper Tracks
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