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Dear all, I hope you had a good day and hopefully some sales :-). Yesterday I started this CBO Campaign with 5 AdGroups (3 Broad, 1 Target with Interest and 1 just with Age). On every AdGroup, I have putted 4 different creatives for the same product. Now at the end of the day, I just checked the KPI's. 4 of 5 AdGroup's are performing well because 1 video is performing very well with ADC and Sales. The other 3 videos are having some clicks but no ADC or Sales. So my question is: 1. Do I need to duplicate this Campaign or should I run just the "Winner" Creative with an ABO Campaign or what are the best next steps?
New comment Apr 19
A curious thing happened. Why do these creatives work/don't work?
Long story short. I decided to test out my first product ( I made some creatives and one of them brought me 3 sales in a couple of hours on TikTok. I decided to double the budget, but it flopped. I ended up changing my website a bit, improving this creative, spending more and more money, and still no sales... What can be the reason in your opinion? I will attach the creative which brought me 3 sales with under 20 EUR spent and the 'improved version'. (BigMistake2 brought me 3 sales; the second one nothing). CPM is 0.7-0.9 on average. UPD: The 'EverFeel' ad got better metrics in terms of CPA and CTR, but no sales. I am also attaching export from my TikTok Ads (yeah I spent way too much)
New comment Apr 15
Check website )
Can you check my website and give your honest opinion, Thank you )
New comment Apr 8
Website & product feedback
Hey everyone! 👋 I'd really appreciate some feedback on my first Shopify store. I'm still waiting to receive the product so I can create better content for the website and ads. I couldn't find any HD content so I did my best using AI-upscaling and some Photoshop blending to try get as best quality images and content ad I can. I've just started running my first Facebook ads with images and gifs that I made myself to learn how Facebook ads function and to understand audience targeting. Your thoughts would be super helpful! Here is the website link. I still need to add one more product (the air compressor) and work on upselling in the main product and cart. Here's some content I created for practicing with Facebook ads and testing them out. Current "ad" creatives:
New comment Mar 31
Trust is Gold in 2024
Nobody trusts you. Are you to the point where you have good ad metrics, some ATC but no sales? Then nobody wants to buy from you because they are afraid. I could list a thousand reasons why this is the case. But I'll tell you how you can improve it: YOUR own content. We're in 2024, it's time you finally realized that you won't get far with stolen content. People want to buy from real people/brands. And you can only do that if you have your own photos & videos. And I don't mean the dull & boring ANONYMOUS content you see from those organic Tiktok dropshippers. You won't get far with that. I mean a proper content structure with meaning & implemented marketing. You can only do that if you set up a system and work on it beforehand. If you don't feel like it, then you can't do dropshipping/e-commerce. It simply doesn't make sense. Below you can see how I go about content planning, which I use for myself.We teach these skills to the participants in our program. LIVE on our own stores, not just theory where you don't know how to apply it on yourself. Have you ever thought about what components a creative can actually have or do you just cut wildly?
New comment Mar 17
Trust is Gold in 2024
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