Trust is Gold in 2024
Nobody trusts you. Are you to the point where you have good ad metrics, some ATC but no sales? Then nobody wants to buy from you because they are afraid.
I could list a thousand reasons why this is the case. But I'll tell you how you can improve it: YOUR own content. We're in 2024, it's time you finally realized that you won't get far with stolen content. People want to buy from real people/brands. And you can only do that if you have your own photos & videos.
And I don't mean the dull & boring ANONYMOUS content you see from those organic Tiktok dropshippers. You won't get far with that. I mean a proper content structure with meaning & implemented marketing. You can only do that if you set up a system and work on it beforehand.
If you don't feel like it, then you can't do dropshipping/e-commerce. It simply doesn't make sense. Below you can see how I go about content planning, which I use for myself.We teach these skills to the participants in our program. LIVE on our own stores, not just theory where you don't know how to apply it on yourself.
Have you ever thought about what components a creative can actually have or do you just cut wildly?
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Daniela Di Rella
Trust is Gold in 2024
Dropshipping Crew
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