Here are my KEY takeaways from Ravi's call (in no particular order):
  1. Ravi's biggest focus at this point in his business is to remove/or minimize the need for sales teams as much as possible, and he does this by building a personal brand
  • Personal brand can be built by starting a YouTube channel
  • Focus on longform content that provides value, doesn't need fancy editing starting out..
  • A personal brand serves as insurance in case your paid ads don't work out
  • OR, can also boost your performance of paid ads, because they can refer to your organic content before your sales calls
  • Suggested to invest 1-3 hours a week, and focus on YouTube longform
2. When to create a system around something in your agency?
  • If it's recurring, create a system around it
  • The goal should be to think like "what's the minimum amount of work I can put in for maximum gains"
Example: When he ran his FB ads agency for Realtors, he grouped all of his clients into one ad account, with one CRM, and had ISAs to call the leads for his clients to only give them booked appointments - this turned his onboarding time from many hours, into getting a new client up and running in 10 minutes.
3. Low Ticket Offers are a great way to differentiate yourself from paid ads with bolder and bolder guarantees (which also bring in the bottom of the barrel type clients)
  • Example: Highest converting sales scripts that we used to book 10,000+ appointments.
  • Sell it for $7 or even $47, and have a call to book in for a free strategy session on the backend
4. Age old question, 1 call close or 2 call close
  • Ravi streamlines for a 1 call close, but he's also built a large personal brand/VSLs so clients can get familiar with his product before the sales call
  • If he's unsure of the client being qualified or not, he'll call the lead before they actually connect on the sales call (for a mini triage call)
5. He talked about the 7/11/4 rule, where prospects need to:
Consume 7 hours of your content
Have 11 touchpoints
Watch your stuff in 4 different places
BEFORE they buy
Hope this helps for those of y'all who couldn't make it - LOTS of other gems, but these were the points most relevant to me. Cheers
Aaron Chandra
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