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Live Q & A is happening in 7 days
Had An Awesome Call with...
@Justin Joseph! Justin asked a lot of good questions on this call, and we ended up covering a ton... Then I said he's comfortable with me sharing it with everyone else here in the group. So definitely thank him for this! btw, if you haven't booked your free one on one onboarding call with me yet... What are you waiting for?? >>Click here so we can chat!<<
Had An Awesome Call with...
Had a 🔥 Onboarding Call This Morning!
Had an amazing call this morning with @Joanna Cherrez ! (She said I could post this btw) We ended up chatting for an hour instead of the slotted 30 minutes.. Some of the key points we talked about were our shared experience in the coaching space working in sales positions.. And more importantly, how do we get ourselves to take the actions we KNOW we need to take to grow our businesses... There's a lot of gems 💎 in this zoom call.... Check it out! And if you haven't booked your free onboarding call, what are you waiting for?? >>> Click Here to book your call!<<<<
6 members have voted
New comment 10d ago
Had a 🔥 Onboarding Call This Morning!
Starting Conversations in the DM's
Here's the replay from our Q & A session, where we cover the importance of starting conversations, and exactly how you can do it
New comment 20d ago
Starting Conversations in the DM's
Chatting about Life And Business
Had a great chat via zoom with @Jamie Gardiner the other week. Just chatting about life, and business. This is the exact type of dynamic the calls in this community are for :)
New comment 27d ago
Chatting about Life And Business
Kick-Off Call Replay
Had an awesome Kick-Off Call with a few of you guys today! I was able to help @Mandy Davis optimize her Facebook profile and create an offer FOR her live on the call. If you've been having some trouble with figuring out what to offer, or how to offer it, this replay will definitely be helpful for ya!
Kick-Off Call Replay
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