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$500k in 30 Days WITHOUT Ads
Ever wonder how to make half a million bucks in a month without spending a dime on ads? We did it, and I’m spilling all the beans in my latest YouTube video. In just under 9 minutes, you’ll discover: • The strategy that kickstarted everything… • How we used one simple traffic method to fill it… • How we leveraged a Facebook group for massive results… No fluff, no BS - just actionable strategies you can implement right away. Click below to watch the video now 👇🏼 Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more content like this. Talk soon, Michael P.S. Got questions after watching? Drop a comment below. I’m always here to help you crush it in your business.
$500k in 30 Days WITHOUT Ads
Day #1 Event Launch Update
We launched the event 24 hours ago and so far the numbers are looking great. Our goal is to break even on the funnel and so far we’re profitable which is better than expected. There’s still room for improvement and I know as we continue to scale up the spend things could start to break with the algorithm. However, I’m staying optimistic about it since we’re already over the $200/day mark where things start getting rocky.
Day #1 Event Launch Update
Optimizing Ad Campaigns for The Upsell
We’ve been spending the last couple of days auditing a clients ad account while planning for the next launch. The offer is a $97 event ticket with a $497 Platinum and a $225 VIP ticket. We have 2 weeks to run ads with the budget of $85k - $115k in ad spend. Since we only have a limited number of days to test and scale… It’s going to be a wild right 😂 However, because the budget is big enough we’ll be able to rapid test within 24 hours to find winners and scale them. Looking over the previous media buyers work, it’s pretty bad ngl… From only running Dynamic Creatives to not having Conversion API setup to not excluding specific channels across the YouTube ads… It’s no wonder the CPA used to be $400 - 500. So what we’ve quickly doing right now is setting up Conversion API. And one of the biggest tests we’ll be doing is optimizing for backend conversions. That means we’ll be: 1. Front end firing purchase conversion for a $97 USD value. 1. Platinum ticket firing Customized Product for a $497 Purchase Conversion. Then we’re gonna split test the optimization and see what brings us the highest results. Because if you optimize for the higher priced ticket it has a really high chance of making the CPA lower on the front end. Stay tuned and I’ll continue to document the process and share the results and what we found that worked and what didn’t. MK 🔥
Wanna Validate Your Event Concept? Here’s how…
One of the fastest and most cost effective ways to validate your event concepts… …while filling your list with a massive amount of leads… …and having the ability to mitigate adspend… …is running your initial event as free and having a paid VIP ticket. We’d run it exactly like we would for a paid event except the initial general admission ticket is free instead of paid. Then our goal is to convert a minimum of 5% of GA into VIP directly from the funnel… …then another 5-10% during the actual event. This gives you the ability to see how well the concept is hitting on cold traffic… …while also getting data from those that are getting their free ticket.
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