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Wanna Validate Your Event Concept? Here’s how…
One of the fastest and most cost effective ways to validate your event concepts… …while filling your list with a massive amount of leads… …and having the ability to mitigate adspend… …is running your initial event as free and having a paid VIP ticket. We’d run it exactly like we would for a paid event except the initial general admission ticket is free instead of paid. Then our goal is to convert a minimum of 5% of GA into VIP directly from the funnel… …then another 5-10% during the actual event. This gives you the ability to see how well the concept is hitting on cold traffic… …while also getting data from those that are getting their free ticket.
Welcome to the community
Hey there! I am Michael Kelly, and welcome to the family! You are going to want to read this description because we are changing the world, and now that you’re here… You are part of it. If you look around the digital world, something you may have noticed is the lack of quality knowledge and content, and the huge amount of shady, scam style ways to “make money online.” I noticed just that, so I decided to create a brand and a movement that teaches and shows entrepreneurs how to grow, scale, and monetize their social media presence online… the right way. I take entrepreneurship, business, and life seriously, and I am sincerely thankful, from the bottom of my heart for each one of you. So thank you for being here. My life goal is to inspire as many people as I possibly can to chase their dreams and crush their goals, and give them the tools and knowledge to do so! ANYONE can build a business (large or small) from their dream (no matter what that dream is)… Financial freedom through entrepreneurship, and online marketing, is possible, and it is much simpler than you think. But, without the tools and “know how”, it seems impossible. This group provides you an opportunity to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who “get it”, and understand the struggles and successes that go along building and monetizing a brand online. A community for you to network, grow, ask questions and find answers. A place where you can share your success stories and biggest mistakes, and know that people are here to help and support each other. Please engage! Post your questions. Answer other people's questions. Jump in and help out. We are a family here, ladies and gentlemen... There is no such thing as a dumb question. The more you engage the higher your level gets. The higher your level gets the more chances you have to win cool shit like FREE funnel redesigns, free email sequences, and more. Oh, and ADD YOUR FRIENDS! Anyone that you know that can benefit, add them. We want them too. ;)
New comment May 7
$500k in 30 Days WITHOUT Ads
Ever wonder how to make half a million bucks in a month without spending a dime on ads? We did it, and I’m spilling all the beans in my latest YouTube video. In just under 9 minutes, you’ll discover: • The strategy that kickstarted everything… • How we used one simple traffic method to fill it… • How we leveraged a Facebook group for massive results… No fluff, no BS - just actionable strategies you can implement right away. Click below to watch the video now 👇🏼 Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more content like this. Talk soon, Michael P.S. Got questions after watching? Drop a comment below. I’m always here to help you crush it in your business.
$500k in 30 Days WITHOUT Ads
3 Ways to Find Winning Ad Creatives Faster
Ever feel like you're throwing spaghetti at the wall with your ad creatives, hoping something sticks? Trust me, I've been there. But what if I told you there's a method to the madness? A method I call the BNM Framework. And it’s a foolproof approach to maximizing your ad creatives and helping you create more winners, faster. Let's break it down: B = Better Think of this as giving your current winning ads a facelift. We're not reinventing the wheel, just making it smoother. Example: Let's say you're a dating coach with a winning video ad. To make it "Better," you might: - Upgrade the video quality - Tweak the color grading for more impact - Switch out the spokesperson for someone with a different energy N = New This is where we get creative. We take winning angles and give them a fresh spin. Example: For that same dating coach ad, we might create a new hook: "What if I told you the key to finding love isn't about changing who you are, but about changing how you see yourself? In the next 60 seconds, I'm going to share a secret that's helped hundreds of my clients find their perfect match..." M = More Here, we're not fixing what isn't broken. We're taking what works and creating variations. - Original Hook: "They're not more beautiful than you, they're not smarter either, and they certainly don't make more money than you... However, they have something you don't... A partner that makes them feel seen, heard, and understood... So what do they have that you don't?" - "More" Variation: "They're not prettier, smarter, or more successful than you, however they have something you don't... Every morning they wake up next to a man that makes them feel loved unconditionally. And you can't help but wonder... 'What do they have that I don't'..." The beauty of the BNM Framework is that it allows you to systematically test and optimize your ad creatives. You're not just throwing ideas at the wall anymore… You're strategically experimenting, learning, and improving.
Behind The Scenes - $150k FB ad event launch
Ever wonder what it's like to spend $10,000 a day on Facebook ads? We just wrapped up a wild campaign where we had to spend the $150,000 ad budget in just 15 days for an online event. Crazy, right? I've put together a behind-the-scenes video breaking down our entire strategy. You'll see: - How we structured our campaigns for rapid scaling - The way we balanced cold traffic and retargeting - Our tricks for optimizing spend when time is tight Whether you're looking to scale your own campaigns or just curious about high-stakes marketing, this video is packed with insights you won't want to miss. >> WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Cheers, Michael Kelly CEO, Ads and Funnels
New comment 11d ago
Behind The Scenes - $150k FB ad event launch
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