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UPDATE: Group Is Moving (This one shutting down)
Hey Ad Masters, I apologize for neglecting this group. Life has been tumultuous and I have had to make many changes to my business structure and focus. I am therefore shutting this group down in 2 weeks and directing all active members to my Ad Master Coaching group, which I have made free. There is a lot of searchable video content there and more advanced tips, and I'll be adding a sizeable Google Ads course for beginners as well. There will also be monthly group coaching calls, on the first Friday of the month at 10am Central US Time. Please access the group here: Thank you for your interest and support. -Ryan Baker Founder, Ad Master Coaching
New Community With Group Coaching Calls
Hey Ad Masters! I wanted to share that I've officially launched Ad Master Coaching! It's a subscription community with weekly group coaching calls that I'll be recording, transcribing, and cutting into clips that can be searched later. It's only $9/mo for the first 20 members, then $19/mo for the next 100 members. This will be a great place to ask specific questions about ad management, client interaction, data & analytics, tools & resources, etc. It will also be a place for collaboration with others, discussing Google Ads news, sharing horror stories, and more. I'll be posting exclusive content there and will hold the odd bonus training with guest experts. As you interact in the new group (posting, commenting, etc) and level up, you'll get access to exclusive rewards like free one-on-one coaching calls with me, free course content, and more. You can join at and, if you're one of the first 20 to join, you can lock in your $9/mo price forever by entering FIRST20 at checkout. Looking forward to this new leg of the Ad Master journey! -Ryan Baker Founder, Ad Master Academy
New comment Jun '23
New Community With Group Coaching Calls
Skool's Apps Are Live!
Hey Ad Masters! Skool has been growing like wildfire and they have been listening to their community. They have officially launched an app for both Apple and Android devices, which you can access below: Apple: Android: This makes accessing the Ad Master community much simpler and more enjoyable, allowing you to benefit faster and from more places! Be sure to take advantage of the mobile accessibility to ask questions in the ad master community whenever they come to mind, or request training whenever you run into a road block. Everyone in the community gets a free 30 Minute call with me to use however they want, so keep that in mind and drop me a DM in the app whenever you need help! -Ryan Baker Founder, Ad Master Academy
Free Guide To Getting Your First Google Ads Client (no opt-in)
Hey everyone! Apologies for my absence, I've been juggling sick kids and my own sickness for the last month. Things are much better now. I've been speaking to a lot of new marketers who want to get work in an agency or start working with small businesses as a freelance ad manager, but don't know how to start. I've been saying the same thing to all of them, so I decided to put together this doc with a walkthrough and an email message you can swipe (and edit as needed) to have a bit of direction on those first steps. If you're a seasoned vet and haven't done some of these things, you may be leaving money on the table. Here's the doc, feel free to comment if you have suggestions, questions, etc. How To Get Your First Google Ads Client This is how you get experience managing ads when nobody will hire you without experience. The alternative is to sell something and learn on your own dime, but that's not feasible for everyone. Drop a comment if you have questions, want any specific training, etc. Thanks! -Ryan Baker Founder, Ad Master Academy
New comment Apr '23
Welcome New Members!
Welcome to Ad Master Academy! I want to personally welcome the members who joined since my last update: @Franthoni Weinum @AbdurRehman Mehmood @Hariharan Rajapandian @Hemant Darji @Yordan Dyakov Great to have you with us! Be sure to check out the training we have, such as the Pricing & Workload Management training (more training to come). Feel free to drop a comment introducing yourself, make a post to share info or ask questions, or peruse previous posts to see if there's anything you find helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out to me via direct message with requests for specific training or with questions. Thanks! -Ryan Founder, Ad Master Academy
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Ad Master Academy
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Master the art and science of Google Ads management so you can stand out in a saturated market, confidently solve problems, and grow your accounts.
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