Free Guide To Getting Your First Google Ads Client (no opt-in)
Hey everyone!
Apologies for my absence, I've been juggling sick kids and my own sickness for the last month. Things are much better now.
I've been speaking to a lot of new marketers who want to get work in an agency or start working with small businesses as a freelance ad manager, but don't know how to start.
I've been saying the same thing to all of them, so I decided to put together this doc with a walkthrough and an email message you can swipe (and edit as needed) to have a bit of direction on those first steps.
If you're a seasoned vet and haven't done some of these things, you may be leaving money on the table.
Here's the doc, feel free to comment if you have suggestions, questions, etc.
This is how you get experience managing ads when nobody will hire you without experience.
The alternative is to sell something and learn on your own dime, but that's not feasible for everyone.
Drop a comment if you have questions, want any specific training, etc.
-Ryan Baker
Founder, Ad Master Academy
Ryan Baker
Free Guide To Getting Your First Google Ads Client (no opt-in)
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