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⚡️ FIRST ACTION TASK ⚡️ 👇Tell us a little bit about yourself below. What do you hope to learn/improve upon by joining this community? What are some of the things you struggle with? What are some of your strengths? Feel free to add anything else you feel like sharing. 💯 The more we get to know each other, the more we can help each other.
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New comment 7d ago
Who am I? What do I do?
In case you were wondering who I am and what I do… 💯I am a synthesizer. ✅I consume knowledge in all areas of personal growth, through various education, books, courses, videos, and most of all personal experiences… ✅Then I think about ways to not only implement my learnings into my own life, but also figure out simple and effective ways to teach these things to others. ✅Then I use share my learnings through different posts or videos I create. ⏰I’ve spent more than a decade of constantly learning and improving my skillset in any way possible. 💸I’ve spent TENS of thousands on self-education. In addition to the $100k worth of formal education I’ve had. 😬I’ve also overcome MANY very painful and expensive mistakes. 🔥I became a life coach to teach others the tips, tricks, and strategies that I KNOW WORK, because I’ve used them to completely change my entire life, and the lives of dozens of clients. ⚠️Don’t waste your time trying to learn everything on your own. That’s the hard way. Trust me, I've tried every possible shortcut and they all failed. 🙏I'm going to show you the secret to achieving a life you love, a body that you feel great in, a confidence no one can take away, and a LIFE WORTH LIVING, rather than existing.
Hard Truth
Be conscious of when you begin feeling like you’re not where you should be, with who you should be with, doing what you should be doing. That feeling is you soul speaking to you. It is VERY RARELY wrong. Almost never.
Hard Truth
A Storm IS on the Horizon!
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” - Malcolm X Life Coaching isn’t only meant for people that feel unfulfilled or lost. In fact, most of my clients are already doing okay.Coaching is best served for people who aren’t completely down and out...yet. They’re actually doing better than most of the people who never think about how they're doing. Because they know that at some point, more than likely, a storm will be on the horizon, and when it comes, they want to have a solid foundation for their life so it doesn’t destroy them once it arrives. Too many people wait until they hit "rock bottom" before they ever seek improvement. I get it. I was no different. It’s human nature. But if you look around you, odds are you don’t want to be like most people. If you’re reading this, it's likely you’re the type of person I’m speaking to. Someone who prepares for the difficult journey ahead, whether you can see it or not, so you don't up "in sh*t's creek without a paddle". Envision this if you can... Think about the family that has a generator with gas, clean water, canned goods, and an emergency plan in place. Now think of the family that has no plan, waits to hear that a hurricane is one day out, and thinks they're going to run to the grocery store right before it hits. That's exactly what almost everyone is going to be doing!I've lived in New York through Hurricane Sandy in 2012. I remember being unprepared and waiting on gas lines for 12-16 hours, only to be told it wasn't being delivered until the next day! The restaurant I worked at no longer existed. The school I went to was shut down for a week. No power. No banks open (and if they were, they weren't giving cash out). The point is that SO many of us are living our lives exactly like this. We KNOW a storm will eventually hit in the form of one of the many obstacles life throws at us, yet we choose to do nothing to prepare. To me, that's insanity. It's wishful thinking. It's unrealistic.
New comment 1d ago
A Storm IS on the Horizon!
🚀 Want to know how people are getting rich online these days? Here’s the scoop:
🌟 Start an Online Store: Launch your own e-commerce site and reach customers globally. 📈 Run Targeted Ads: Use social media and search engine ads to drive traffic and boost sales. 🌐 Create a Professional Website: Establish an online presence and build credibility. 💡 Explore Other Opportunities: Blogging, affiliate marketing, or offering digital services are great ways to make money online. Interested in learning more? Drop a comment or DM me! My store manager is here to help you get started. Let’s make success happen together! 💪💰 #OnlineSuccess #Ecommerce #DigitalMarketing
New comment 2d ago
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