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23 contributions to 🏴‍☠️ Cyber Corsairs
6 Powerful ChatGPT Prompting Strategies
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New comment Feb 28
6 Powerful ChatGPT Prompting Strategies
4 likes • Feb 21
@Сергій Миколайович **6 ПОТУЖНИХ СТРАТЕГІЙ ЗАПИТАНЬ ДЛЯ CHATGPT** - **Написання чітких інструкцій** - Включіть деталі у ваш запит для отримання більш релевантних відповідей - Попросіть модель взяти на себе роль - Використовуйте розділювачі для чіткого вказування різних частин вводу - Вказуйте кроки, необхідні для завершення завдання - Надавайте приклади - Вкажіть бажану довжину виводу - **Надання тексту для посилання** - Інструктувати модель відповідати, використовуючи текст для посилання - Інструктувати модель відповідати з цитатами з тексту для посилання - **Розбиття складних завдань на простіші підзавдання** - Використовувати класифікацію намірів для визначення найбільш релевантних інструкцій для запиту - Для діалогових додатків, які вимагають дуже довгих бесід, узагальнювати або фільтрувати попередній діалог - Узагальнювати довгі документи частинами і побудовувати повне узагальнення рекурсивно - **Дати моделі час "подумати"** - Інструктувати модель працювати над власним рішенням до поспішного висновку - Використовувати внутрішній монолог або послідовність запитів для приховування процесу розумової діяльності моделі - Запитати модель, чи нічого не пропустила в попередніх проходах - **Використання зовнішніх інструментів** - Використання пошуку за допомогою векторів для впровадження ефективного пошуку знань - Використання виконання коду для більш точних розрахунків або виклик зовнішніх API - Дати моделі доступ до специфічних функцій - **Систематичне тестування змін** - Оцінювати модельні виводи з посиланням на золотий стандарт відповідей
4 Core types of newsletters
Ever wonder why some newsletters make you click faster than you can say "subscribe"? It's all about picking the right type! Picking the right newsletter type lets you craft emails your readers like. This grabs their interest, motivates them to act, and maintains a strong bond with them. Why It's Important: - You can give your readers what they're interested in. This makes them more likely to read what you send and be happy with it. - Your readers know what kind of stuff you'll send, how often, and why it's worth their time. This keeps them coming back for more. - You can plan better and use what you have more. You focus on making stuff that works well. Core Newsletter Types 1. Educational Newsletters The goal is to provide informative and educational content. This content might cover industry trends, how-to guides, resources, tips, and more. 2. Curated Newsletters These newsletters collect and share content from various sources. They focus on a specific topic or theme. They might include blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, or other valuable content for the audience. 3. Product Newsletters They focus on promoting products. This includes product tips and tricks and user testimonials. It also includes special offers and new product announcements. 4. Personal Brand Newsletters Individuals use it to build their personal brand. They use it to connect with their audience on a personal level. This might include personal stories, insights, lessons, or perspectives. Choosing the best newsletter types allows you to create emails that make readers care about and support your brand. Want to know more? Drop a comment below, and we'll dive deeper into each type!👇
New comment Feb 28
4 Core types of newsletters
2 likes • Feb 14
But where is the pirates newsletters category?
Hello Everyone:)
Hi guys! My name's Joe. I have just opened an Etsy store where I sell AI generated art. I am interested in all things AI and I want to learn how to use it as a tool to elevate my work. Looking forward to meeting the community and learning.
New comment Feb 28
1 like • Feb 10
Welcome aboard, Joe!
3 likes • Feb 12
@Joseph Marr we are still putting things together and will be more active soon.
20 Promising newsletter niches for 2024
Newsletters represent a huge business opportunity. But, you need the RIGHT niche to tap into endless income. A good niche attracts more readers. This leads to more money from ads and subscriptions. It also means your skills meet what readers need. 1. Finance and Investing. Dive deep into sub-niches like crypto or real estate for targeted, high-value content. 2. Luxury Goods. Focus on exclusive items like watches or yachts. Tap into a market eager for the latest trends. 3. B2B Industry Insights. From marketing to healthcare, cater to professionals with purchasing power. 4. Sports Betting & Fantasy Sports. Engage a passionate audience with insights that could help them win big. 5. Local News. Revolutionize how your community receives news, making it more relevant and engaging. 6. Hyper-Niche Passions. Whether it's reef keeping or Star Wars, cater to invested communities. 7. Emerging Technologies. Cover AI, VR, or other tech trends that attract a forward-thinking audience. 8. Health & Wellness. Offer cutting-edge advice on fitness, nutrition, or mental health. 9. Education & Career Development. Help readers advance their careers with actionable insights. 10. Sustainable Living. Guide those looking to make eco-friendly choices in their daily lives. 11. Parenting. Offer modern takes on raising children in today's complex world. 12. Food & Beverage. Dive into niches like craft beer or vegan cooking for food enthusiasts. 13. Travel. Share unique travel insights, focusing on luxury or adventure experiences. 14. Art & Culture. Explore niches within art history, contemporary art, or cultural commentary. 15. Gaming & Esports. Cater to the explosive growth of the gaming community with news and analysis. 16. Personal Development. Inspire with content focused on self-improvement and life skills. 17. Pet Care. Delve into niches for specific pet breeds or holistic pet care. 18. DIY & Crafting. Engage a community passionate about making and creating. 19. Music & Entertainment. Offer deep dives into genres, trends, or artist analyses.
New comment Feb 28
20 Promising newsletter niches for 2024
3 likes • Feb 8
@Nata Paluaniuk
3 likes • Feb 11
@Ruslan Skliarenko Health - Wealth - Relationship
5 Steps to Better Emails
Making a great email might seem hard. But you can write emails that get noticed and make people want to do something. Effective email starts with great content. Look to newsletters you love as examples. Email has skyrocketed recently. But bad content wastes its power. Learn to engage readers and prompt responses. Follow 5Ts process: - Entice with catchy subject lines and openings. Make readers eager for more. - Target your audience. Personalize for their interests. Segment and tailor content. - Teach your expertise. Share insights on relevant topics. Even small learnings work. - Test different formats and topics through A/B tests. See what resonates. - Track open, click, and unsubscribe rates. Optimize based on performance. Focus on compact, readable language. Connect through great content. And remember, the only thing worse than being unnoticed is being unopened, like that gym membership email in February.
New comment Feb 28
5 Steps to Better Emails
2 likes • Feb 9
Great tips! Thanks @Nata Paluaniuk
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Yaro Sobko
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Captain of Cyber Corsairs

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Joined Jan 27, 2024
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