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Profit First

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304 contributions to Profit First
Excited to be here!
I’ve been in the group a little over a week now. Excited to be here and look forward to learning. Why did you decide to join our group? -Going all in on selling clothing on eBay What valuable experiences or skills do you bring to the table? - I have a passion for process improvement and creating software solutions that solve problems. Is there anything holding you back that we can assist with? -Not as of right now! My wife and I have been on several thrifting trips and we’re learning as we go.
New comment 58m ago
0 likes • 6h
@Ray Copeland Hello and Welcome
Can someone help...
Ok. So a few weeks ago I switched over all clothing in my store that I could to have flat rate shipping... much the same as @Beau Johnson has. $7.99 for clothing less than 1 lb, $9.99 for clothing between 1 to 3 lbs and $14.99 for clothing 3 to 5 lbs. I thought this would not cause me any headaches....I was wrong. I know @Jerry Wilson in Florida has pretty much these same prices. I am in Wisconsin. Here is my dilemma. I have had to "eat" some costs this week since my labels on a few sales were more than what I set the flat rate to be. For example, today I sold a 3x Carhartt chore jacket for $49.99. Since this weighed between 4-5 lbs when boxed, the buyer was charged flat rate of $14.99. However, the buyer lives in Alaska and shipping turned out to be $23.96. So where I thought this was going to meet my metric ($10 profit per item at least) without any issue, after fees and all...I made about $10.74. Just clearing my metric. ??? On a different item I sold for $26.49 also today, the item was 1-3 lbs when boxed. So buyer paid $9.99 for shipping, but the shipping turned out to cost $15.42.... so again I had to "eat" a bit. Can someone please help? What am I doing wrong that my S/H works out to be more than my flat rate price on some items? I haven't heard anyone else stating they are having this issue when set up with flat rate pricing. Makes me want to go back to calculated shipping. So frustrating.....
New comment 7d ago
3 likes • 9d
@Doug Brandies It really does make it worth it to look at every way possible when you ship. I have had a few shipments recently that I would have lost $1 or more on shipping, but I switched many of these over to Flat Rate Envelope, or Legal size flat rate, then they only cost me $8.15, and $8.45, I ended up making money, and provided priority shipping that way. You might want to look at a couple of my newer post and responses where I talk about how I am doing a trial on going to a flat rate shipping again, with some changes to how I use to do it.
My first $200 day on eBay!
I just had to share this small milestone with people who will understand. So excited to keep it increasing!
New comment 2d ago
5 likes • 11d
Awesome, what a great accomplishment.
4 likes • 11d
@Mandy Lewis Yes keep climbing.
Just Bought a Shirt Folding Rig
My sweet partner sometimes struggles folding shirts to her satisfaction. Kinda particular, that one. I know that there are shirt folding rigs that look like they can make a perfect fold every time. After some YT research I bought one to be delivered tomorrow. I will update ya’ll after we get this thing all set up and tested. This may be the best or worst $20 spent in a while.
New comment 5d ago
3 likes • 11d
I wonder how half the shirts look upon delivery once shipped through the USPS system?
The new Ebay discounted postal rates
Since this was just in a discussion post with Wes I wanted to ask. Has everyone turned on the option to give the buyer the new Ebay shipping discounts? I had not done that, and when Beau reviewed my store, he said over and over "your shipping is too high", and I let him know I use calculated shipping so I have no control over the "shipping cost". I'm in Florida, he's in Oregon, so he is seeing the highest possible shipping rates on my items. Sooooooo I went into my shipping policies and turned on the option to pass on the shipping discount rate to the buyers. I do believe it has increased my sales by a little bit but nothing massive. What is everyone else doing with this?
New comment 9d ago
3 likes • 12d
@Joann Defelici @Jerry Wilson I hope everyone understands what we talk about when we say flat rate shipping. It is not the same thing as USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes, or Envelopes. Those are not usually a good way to ship items, although sometimes they work. When we are talking about flat rate shipping, it is us deciding how much we are going to charge a buyer no matter where they live. What we actually pay to ship the item will depend on how we chose to ship it, and where it is being shipped to. So I might sell a pair of jeans and charge $8.99 Flat Rate to the buyer, but if it ships to somewhere near by, I might only pay $6.00 to ship it. If it goes to the west coast, I might have to pay $9.00 to ship it. If you don't follow what I am saying on here, please ask, because this is very important for everyone to understand.
1 like • 11d
@Jerry Wilson I have been doing the research, and that is what has me starting to looking at doing some trials back to calculated shipping, but with changes. I use to have all my calculated shipping set up so that the buyer just seen the regular commercial rate, and I agree that flat rate shipping beats these rates hands down. As I started to look at where most of my items were being sent to under my flat rate shipping, I started noticing that a large maority are going to the West, and East coast, because they are getting the better bargain. The bad part is that most of the coastal areas are also the higher cost of living areas. So it looks to me like my flat rate is keeping me from getting the more profitable sales, the ones closer to me. This is why I am trying some sample listings with the calculated shipping, although this time I am giving them my discounted rate with $1.00 added on. Yes, I miss out on some of those big shipping profits, but now I am guaranteeing myself that I will have the $1 profit on every shipment, my pricing can be more competitive, and it will be competitive in all areas of the US, not just a good deal for those living on the coast. And I do believe that giving this reasonable shipping to everyone will open my market up to more people. If you think about it this way, if I have a pair of jeans that sells to my neighboring state, it might cost me $6.25 to ship it, so the buyer pays $7.25. My old flat rate would cost them $8.99. Makes my item more competitive to more people. Even if this same pair of jeans were to sell to the West coast, It would cost me real close to $8.99 to ship them. So now they would pay $9.99. I still make my $1 profit, actually a little more, because I would put these into Flat rate envelope, and ship them for $8.15. Again, this is just something I am trying to a limited sampling to see how it works/
1-10 of 304
Wes Benham
5,870points to level up
Selling for 5 year's. Married with 52 cattle, 11.5 hogs 6 dogs and 3 cats.

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 11, 2024
Central Missouri
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