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5 contributions to Elites Tribe
One of the best ways to be more mindful which results in better performance as a businessman. I haven't been consistent with it, but i've done over 60 meditations in the last 3 months and the best part of what it improved are my social skills and mental health. Do any of y'all meditate? If you do tell me the method you use and how long are your sessions.
New comment Oct '22
0 likes • Oct '22
I'm not using any particular method, but I think one association helps me to meditate more easily. I regard my thoughts as something transparent. I can see all of them. I'm unsure of how to articulate it better, but it works! Suddenly, all of that clutter gets out of my head.
Weekly Check-In
Hello to all the Elites! I want to make sure that every one of you wins this weekend, so let's hold each other accountable 🔥 - What is the one thing you have to do today to make sure you do your best? - What are your goals for the next week? - What habits do you want to break/build this coming week? Remember, you've got a chance to do better and be better this next week. What you plan, you achieve. We will all make sure you hit your goals!
New comment Oct '22
1 like • Oct '22
@Elias Sal As usual, you have plans of a king 👑
2 likes • Oct '22
@Balša Popović I love how you've approached the fact that your phone got stolen. You're making steps in the right direction. You've already fixed your mindset! Success is here to come. I struggle with taking action too 😅 I hope we will all become action-takers by the end of next week.
Ego is the enemy!
Yesterday i talked with my brother who is very mentally unwell. He has bad relationship with all of us in the family, and when i tried telling him some advice that helped me. He said: "Who are you to teach me what to do with my life?". His biggest issue with reaching his goals is EGO! Don't let your ego ruin you, i joined a martial arts club partly because i want to keep myself humble. Everyone can act cocky until they get hit in the jaw. Keep your ego in check guys!
New comment Oct '22
1 like • Oct '22
That's a good insight to have! Ego is such a poison that so many people don't even notice it...
Time Management
Do any of y'all Elites know a good way i can manage my time better since i am multitasking. I'm working out, studying for school(to get my parents off my back), practicing mma and self improving in general. How do i save more time?
New comment Oct '22
2 likes • Oct '22
I believe you should analyze where your time is going first. Just try to observe your regular patterns for a week, like what your habits are, what you're doing, and how you feel. Then, when you understand some routines and habits that you have, try to change them for the better. It takes time and effort to do that, but it helps you make a long-lasting change.
Working on passing my Timeshare (Sales) Exam
As of right now, I'm constantly studying and taking notes for my exam coming up on October 11th. If I pass, I can legally begin selling timeshare at the casino I'm going to work at. So I'm going to be pretty busy this whole week.
New comment Oct '22
1 like • Oct '22
That's amazing! Keep it up, you'll rise to the top soon. I'll ask you about your business when this week ends.
1-5 of 5
Valeria Stavitska
10points to level up
Helped to build a community from $0 to $500k in sales in less than 3 months | Go from Broke, All Clients to Rich, Less Clients

Active 15h ago
Joined Oct 3, 2022
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