Do you believe you are an artist?
There is a certain answer to it, but I bet you will argue with it! As you might expect, I will surely push back because you already told me the answer... You have, even if we hadn't actually connected with one another. Even if you don't practice any sort of art or haven't in a long, long time... How? Well, you are here in this community with all of us, right? There is something within you that resonates with being an artist! Otherwise, you simply wouldn't have joined or would have already opted out. Why am I hammering this point so hard? Because I think claiming yourself as an artist is a pretty sure way to connect to your soul or find one. Okay, can you claim this? Claim that you are absolutely an artist? Because this is absolute crucial before we can move to the next step! If you still cannot, that's ok! We are in this together, share below the challenge your brain is presenting you, as it shows up!