🥁 EXAMPLE: How YouTube Builds Your Brand TO Charge A LOT!
👶🏼 "I want to be hired as a musician" 👨🏾💼 "Wow. Tough Ask! That's a lot of competition." 👶🏼 "Well, I can play really good, here's my spotify band" 👨🏾💼 "ok well i don't care" This is likely how the people that would pay for your service will act to YOUR service. It's not that they don't have a place to hire, it's they don't have a place for YOU! HOW DO WE CHANGE THAT CONVERSATION? "Show-Off." Ick. I know. BUT, think about it more like "Demonstrate!" For this musician's example, Your stupid Spotify band isn't going to cut it. You need a Youtube channel (Instagram, or TikTok, or, Podcast, or Linkedin or Twitter). This platform has to make them like you and see your "DEMONSTRATIONS" of : 1. being good 2. entertainment 3. value adding (of course) Make someone a fan, and when they want to hire someone... THEY THINK OF YOU. You don't even need to sell (that hard)! Imagine you're the person who wants to hire a drummer and you follow THIS GUY [WHO PERFECTLY DEMONSTRATES HIS SKILL AND PASSION] Do you think he's cheap? Do you think he's available? probably nope to both. WHY? Because he built his brand. He did this very well. He likely get's people hitting him up often and trying to pay a LOT 💸! and he's a drummer... NOT A SINGER!