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WRLD Creators

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Learn how to transform your unique life story into a profitable online business and thriving community with Skool.

WRLD Prestige

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Learn how to transform your unique life story into a profitable online business and thriving community with Skool.


WRLD Clique

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Skool Community

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Content Academy

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The Skool Games

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Health & Hustle Hub

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Think and Grow Rich

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Client Acquisition

Private • 11 • Free

49 contributions to Skool Community
What would you ask?
You've just WON the Skool Games in July (manifest that shit) And now you are on a plane to see Hormozi and Sam at the Château in 💸 VEGAS BABYYYYY 💸 What is the #1 question you would ask them? 🤨 BONUS POINT: you ask the question that I am thinking of ;) UNLIMITED TRIES I'LL SEND YOU A COOKIE
New comment 14h ago
What would you ask?
4 likes • 2d
The question I'd ask is: "Knowing what you know now about building a thriving online community, what's the one thing you would do differently (or emphasize more) in the early stages?" I figure any insights from these Skool legends would be pure gold. Knowing how they navigated the early stages, the challenges they faced, and the decisions that shaped their success – that's invaluable knowledge for anyone on this entrepreneurial adventure.
2 likes • 2d
@Ryan Duncan
😵‍💫 System Overload: Drop Your Top Tools For Content Creation
As you all know, content creation is a crucial part of building our online presence! But lately, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with all the amazing advice I've been introduced to about different tools – AI assistants, editing apps, automation systems, the list goes on! It's fantastic information, but it's also a lot to sort through. So, I'm turning to the greater minds of this community! What are your top 3 content creation tools? Let's think of this as ONE post that's jam packed with all the resources necessary to help anyone become a master of content creation. These could be anything: - AI writing assistants like ChatGPT or Gemini (great for sparking ideas!) - Image creation tools (perfect for those eye-catching visuals) - Video editing apps (to bring your content to life) - Content frameworks (keep your content focused on what matters most) - Project management tools (to keep things organized) + Anything else that helps you create stellar content! Note: If you can share a specific example of how you use these tools, that would be amazing! Your top suggestions could even be of your own creation! Thanks in advance for making this mission a bit easier for me and others who might be feeling the same! I'm looking forward to learning about what tools you're using to build your road to success. Blessings!
New comment 2d ago
😵‍💫 System Overload: Drop Your Top Tools For Content Creation
2 likes • 3d
@Maximus Cavalic yeah bro, I need to dive into Capcut and check it out more thoroughly. Thanks, my bro!
2 likes • 3d
@Keith Stephens Haha that's awesome, the more the better! Envato is new to me though, what do you use that for and what's your experience with it been like? Ahaha I know what you mean, Notion is awesome, I don't personally use it for my logistics but, I'm fully aware of it's capabilities! It's really great tool! 👍
How to Convert Free to Paid Members in Skool *LIVE Footage*
Want to learn how we doubled our sales? We went from 35 to over 75 sales per week by converting members from our free to paid community using these strategies. In this video I cover: - How to convert members from free to paid using onboarding calls - How to close members in the DM's using a "value PDF" - The simple Meta retargeting strategy that generates customers for $70 - When to use an email autoresponder and how to make $ with it - The power of Skool value posts & community events for conversion - EXTRA: Onboarding call recording. Watch us close a member live Check it out.
New comment 4h ago
How to Convert Free to Paid Members in Skool *LIVE Footage*
6 likes • 3d
Steady dropping 💎's @Max Perzon
50 members in first two days! How do I monetize?
We just launched our value add Realestate community and have just hit 50 members! It’s a free community and we are still game planing on how to monetize. We are thinking of offering a course “how to flip your first property with 0 experience” and having it available for free on a $49 a month group. Think that would work? We are also considering weekly Q&As available to the paid group. Also what have yall found to be the best way to convert free members into a paid group?
New comment 1d ago
0 likes • 3d
Huge congrats on the 50 members @McKenna Crager ! 👊💥 For monetization, I would suggest considering a tiered approach: keep the "flipping with 0 experience" course free within the paid group as a valuable perk, then offer deeper dives into other niches or offer exclusive content (like weekly Q&A access) at a premium. This would be a good incentive for the free members to upgrade for additional benefits and resources. This is the strategy I've seen work for many community leaders on here and will be employing once I have "enough" members inside my free community! I hope this helps! And, of course, welcome to the family bro! 🚀🔥
0 likes • 3d
@McKenna Crager A solid 100 engaged members is my first task bro! Would you care to be one of my founding members? All of the WRLD Founders receive free lifetime access 🙌
💪 Help me level up my community!
Hey Skool Fam! I'm getting around to putting the finishing touches on my Skool community, and I'm hungry for some ruthless (but constructive) feedback. Your honest insights are invaluable in making this a truly engaging space. 💼 Here's the deal: - Show Me the Money: Share your thoughts on my community page. Does it feel clear, inviting, and inspire you to join? Where could it be improved? - Bio Picture Bliss: The top community leaders have these dynamic bio pictures... how can I achieve that same level of visual impact? Are there any design tools or resources you recommend? Don't sugarcoat it! I'm open to anything from copy tweaks to layout suggestions. Your feedback will help me optimize my community for growth and engagement. 🆘 Here's what you can do to help: - Visit my community page! - Leave a comment below: Let me know your first impressions, what resonates, and what could be improved. Be specific! - Share your bio picture tips: Help a fellow Skool leader out! What tools or techniques do you use to create dynamic bio pictures/ aesthetics in your community? 💥 Bonus points: - If you have experience with Skool communities, share any general best practices or design elements that have worked for you. Thank you in advance for your insights and support! ✌🏾 ⭐ P.S. Feel free to share your own community links in the comments below and I'll gladly do the same for you! Let's all learn and grow together! 🚀🔥
💪 Help me level up my community!
1-10 of 49
Storm Wishart
327points to level up
🔥Teaching people how to leverage the power of their unique life story and transform it into a profitable online business or community with Skool.

Active 37m ago
Joined Apr 3, 2024
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