πŸ’ͺ Help me level up my community!
Hey Skool Fam!
I'm getting around to putting the finishing touches on my Skool community, and I'm hungry for some ruthless (but constructive) feedback. Your honest insights are invaluable in making this a truly engaging space.
πŸ’Ό Here's the deal:
  • Show Me the Money: Share your thoughts on my community page. Does it feel clear, inviting, and inspire you to join? Where could it be improved?
  • Bio Picture Bliss: The top community leaders have these dynamic bio pictures... how can I achieve that same level of visual impact? Are there any design tools or resources you recommend?
Don't sugarcoat it! I'm open to anything from copy tweaks to layout suggestions. Your feedback will help me optimize my community for growth and engagement.
πŸ†˜ Here's what you can do to help:
  • Visit my community page!
  • Leave a comment below: Let me know your first impressions, what resonates, and what could be improved. Be specific!
  • Share your bio picture tips: Help a fellow Skool leader out! What tools or techniques do you use to create dynamic bio pictures/ aesthetics in your community?
πŸ’₯ Bonus points:
  • If you have experience with Skool communities, share any general best practices or design elements that have worked for you.
Thank you in advance for your insights and support! ✌🏾
⭐ P.S. Feel free to share your own community links in the comments below and I'll gladly do the same for you! Let's all learn and grow together! πŸš€πŸ”₯
Storm Wishart
πŸ’ͺ Help me level up my community!
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