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3 contributions to Learn Microsoft Fabric
Explicit Path Question
Good morning, I have been following along with the Spark Tutorial in Microsoft Fabric and ran into an interesting issue that I have yet to understand. After leaving my office Friday I paused the lesson after running the line of code: df ='Files/property-sales-extended.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True) The code ran fine on Friday and did again this morning. After loading another file the code failed: df ='Files/property-sales-missing.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True) The error message was that the path was not valid. Same LakeHouse, same folder, same everything as far as I could tell. I solved the issue by changing the call to explicitly include the name of the LakeHouse folder: df ='Files/csv/property-sales-missing.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True) The ABFS path also works. Can someone help me understand the reason for this? Thanks, Steve Malcolm
New comment May 29
0 likes ā€¢ May 29
Thanks, @Chinmay Phadke . I'm just trying to figure out the reason for the failure and the need for Files/"csv/" when no other files need that qualifier. Thanks for the response.
0 likes ā€¢ May 29
Thank you for this @Manohar Venkatanarayanan. I now better understand the uses of ABSF paths.
Happy Friday Fabricators! Share what you've been working on
Happy Friday everyone - hope you've all had a productive week! Let's share what we've been working on this week: - What have you been building? - What have you been learning about? - Any blockers/ things you're not sure about?
Complete action
New comment Feb 27
1 like ā€¢ Feb 23
Yikes! My turn? Moving from on prem SAP to SAP RISE. Is anyone away of any SAP connectors that work especially well? Also, any recommendations for tools to be used for API calls. I know there are lots. I'm looking for favorites. Have a great weekend everyone.
1 like ā€¢ Feb 27
@Will Needham Thanks. Postman is great, but I was looking for something more like ZappySys or CozyRoc.
Welcome new joiners! 8 things to know to get started:
Thank you so much for joining this community! Here's 8 things you should know about this community: 1. The goal is to help you learn Fabric faster, by joining a community of people that is also on the same journey with support from others a bit further ahead on the same journey. You can read more about Why I started this community here. 2. Please read and follow the community guidlines before you get started. 3. The community rewards engagement. There is a leaderboard. You earn 'points' when you post valuable posts that people Like or Comment - one Like/Comment = one Point. Learn more about this here. You can earn your first points by introducing yourself here to say hello! 4. We have Classroom modules for learning new stuff about Fabric (I'll be adding more here shortly). 5. Some courses require you to have some 'points' - again to reward engagement in the community! 6. The Calendar includes events that I will be running for the community. 7. Please post! Ask good questions and feel free to share your experiences on other people's posts. Your experience and perspective is valuable. 8. Download the Skool mobile app to follow and contribute to conversations on the go! Download for: Android users | Apple iOS users)
New comment May 16
5 likes ā€¢ Feb 21
Sometimes it seems that, no matter where I am in my career, half of every thing I knew 18 months ago is either passe or just plain outdated. Here we go again. That said, I wouldn't be in this business if it was boring. Thanks for help us all learn.
1-3 of 3
Steve Malcolm
12points to level up
Developer and Accidental DBA. Been in the data world since 1982 when I started with DBase III.

Active 8d ago
Joined Feb 21, 2024
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