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Solo Pirates

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Tools and systems for Solopreneurs and Small Business owners looking to conquer the sea of wealth out there.


Skool Community

Public • 149.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 20.3k • Free

Start Writing Online

Private • 8k • Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 73.6k • Free

60 contributions to Skool Community
Steal like an artist
So let's be honest, you're not likely to have any really good new revolutionary ideas that'll rock the world and make you a billionaire. As much as we like to look up to the Zucks and Elons, they're the outliers, the ones who did what no one else could. For the rest of us? We need to copy what works. Of course not copy, as in clone, duh! We need to look at what works, give it a fresh lick of paint (like our own voice, own touch, point of view etc.) and then launch that as a business. A good example would be all the Airbnb clones out there, unique to their little market, that are making bank. They're not as big as Airbnb and their founders might not fly private, but they have successful profitable businesses and essentially they've just copied what Airbnb does and given it a solid dose of their own personality. So if you're building a community, and you're trying to find some unique fresh approach to something no one has ever thought of, you're probably wasting your time. Look around at other communities, on and off Skool, see which ones have great traction and are doing well, and then see how you could do something similar, but bring your own spice. Bring your own experiences, points of view etc. You're a million times more likely to be successful doing that, than trying to bring something totally new and unique. Stay Pirate 🏴‍☠️
New comment 2h ago
0 likes • 7h
@Joshua Winters exactly. Adding your own voice and own personality makes a massive different to the audience you grow.
How He Won The Skool Games, TWICE! (Skool Masterclass Funnel Breakdown)
Skool Masterclass has been a titan of the Skool Games since it's inception earlier this year 🔥 - they've finished Top 10, Twice - they've built a $2.2M skool community (and scalable business) - they've helped 10+ skool communities finish Top 10 in the Games ... and I broke their entire marketing funnel down for you so you can see EXACTLY what they're doing and how you can apply things for yourself - Organic Content & Ads (how they're layering different accounts, and how the leveraged Max' prior audience) - How they're converting Masterclass FREE members across to $125/mo members - Both their VSLs (... watch to see how they slightly differ because they're speaking to a different person) ... and much more hope you find this educational breakdown valuable nick P.S: there's a massive LOL moment at 32:33 🤣🤣🤣 P.P.S: you can access the figma board here:
New comment 1h ago
How He Won The Skool Games, TWICE! (Skool Masterclass Funnel Breakdown)
1 like • 8h
You keep delivering Nick. Well done. 🏴‍☠️
$1 Community vs Free Community
I've heard of some people doing a $1 Skool community instead of a free community and I love the idea. I think this would help weed out continuous freebie seekers and also spammers, therefore making the community full of higher-quality leads. Thoughts? UPDATE: Decided to make a free community! Feel free to join if it aligns with you 💫
New comment 6h ago
1 like • 4d
@Isabella Etenberg Yup. I'll let you know how my $1 community works out.
1 like • 18h
@Raymond Gonzalez Ingles honestly. I watched the first video of the 100, common thread is a free group upsell to paid. Not $1 upsell to paid. So I’ve gone back to free. Follow the playbook, win. 🏴‍☠️
SUMMING UP 30 DAYS & 40 POSTS IN ONE—LET'S GO! Yup, I've been consistent AF—shared value, asked questions, and learned a whole f*cking lot. Huge shout-out to this amazing community for being part of this journey! So, here's a recap of the past 30 days, the lessons I've learned, and the gold you can take away too: 🔥 A $1 SKOOL GROUP: CRAZY OR GENIUS? Pushed boundaries with this one. Is it worth it to build a community for just a dollar? 👉 Takeaway: People value what they invest in, no matter the price. Test your value, not just your price. 🚪 WHY I'M LEAVING FACEBOOK (AND WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITY) Losing my FB group was tough, but it opened my eyes to Skool. 👉 Takeaway: Don't wait until it's too late—secure your community now. The shift is worth it. 🎉 FB TO SKOOL - BOLD MOVE, BIG PAYOFF! Making the leap from FB to Skool was scary, but man, it's been SO worth it! 👉 Takeaway: Sometimes the scariest moves are the ones that pay off the most. 👊 JUST OVER ONE WEEK—EPIC MOMENTUM Seven days in and already seeing massive growth—showing up daily makes the difference. 👉 Takeaway: Consistency breeds momentum. Make it a habit, and watch the results roll in. 🔥 SKOOL WINS 👊 LAUNCHED MY SECOND COMMUNITY AFTER JUST ONE WEEK Launching my second Skool group within a week was wild, but it's flourishing. 👉 Takeaway: Once you find a winning formula, scale it fast. Don't wait. 💥 LEVELING UP & KICKING PROCRASTINATION'S ASS Took real steps to tackle procrastination head-on. 👉 Takeaway: Don't let procrastination hold you back. Time-block, focus, and GET IT DONE. 🚀 WHY LOSING MEMBERS WAS THE BEST LESSON Losing a couple of members turned into a huge learning moment. 👉 Takeaway: Failures are part of growth. Don't fear them—learn from them and move forward stronger. 💡 HOW I COVERED A $99 INVESTMENT WITH A $1 COMMUNITY Running a $1 community showed me how value ALWAYS trumps price. 👉 Takeaway: Don't get hung up on price—focus on delivering insane value.
New comment 13h ago
1 like • 20h
Holy smokes that’s a good post. You could turn this into a mini course. Well done. Admire the grit 🏴‍☠️
The friendly goodbye
Cancellations and churn are a fact of life when you run any kind of online community. You're going to have people join, look around and leave. How you handle that exit is critical to your future success. If someone joins your community, and then wants to cancel quickly, even if they've consumed a bunch of your content, giving them a friendly goodbye is super important. It leaves a great impression on the member, it leaves your reputation in-tact, and if ever their needs changed, and they did want what you sell, they're far more likely to want to rejoin your community. Many people try and make cancellations or refunds difficult for the members exiting, but ultimately just creates animosity with the member leaving.
New comment 1d ago
0 likes • 2d
@Jakub Pacanda you’re 100% on the money. I don’t. But I imagine an optional exit interview, or a quick poll they can compete is something that’ll be super useful.
1 like • 1d
@Salvador Klitsuk If you have what they want, then yeah definitely 🏴‍☠️
1-10 of 60
Shawn Jooste
321points to level up
Entrepreneur, chief pirate. Join me if you dare.

Active 2h ago
Joined Oct 9, 2023
Cape Town, South Africa
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