Database Reactivation Drip Tips
Here our our tips for managing drips for maximum results and deliverability: - Run new DR from 10:30am-11:00am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. Usually DR is launched Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays because we get the best results based on what we've experienced. We recommend this schedule, which for the most part is for the sake of the lead/buyer's psych, not the client. For example, contacts receiving messages on monday morning/afternoons will likely response less frequently as it is the first day of the week and they are focusing on orienting themselves to the new week. The reason we dont do it on Friday is similar. They are less likely to respond due to the upcoming weekend and if they do respond late on a Friday, it will be less ideal for the client to field the appointment. - Do NOT just send “100/day” but instead send “10 every 3 minutes for 30min” so that the messages spread out. - Send 100 messages a day -- this can change depending on list size and age. If you have a super healthy, young and responsive list of only 400, you may want to switch batch quantity to only 5 and run 50/day. Conversely, if you have a giant, old list of 10,000, you may want to send 10 every 1 minute, and maybe even add Monday to the available send days, to make sure you’re getting consistent flow - Never send more than 500 messages in a day