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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

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20 contributions to InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
14 passed so far. (Update) Make that 20
Just passed my 20th account today. This with the 100 days to freedom group is the best.
New comment Jun 3
14 passed so far. (Update) Make that 20
0 likes • Mar 12
@Rob Grupe This is the question I had, finally got my 20 and will not be looking back! Adding more PA customers as I go to help ease the mind and getting that buffer built up. I am contemplating going even smaller 200 or so for 400 or even 150 for 300. It will take a bit longer but that will still make for game changing payouts once built up. Are you batch trading 10 and 10 or 5s?
0 likes • Mar 12
@Rob Grupe Ah that is a smart route to go thanks for the mention, to trade all 20 at once is the goal. To have 20 in the pocket will definitely take the heat off. I will begin building more “customers” as Kyle puts it. So far passed 1 more off an overnight setup.I keep saying a small risk of 150 per trade to make 300 is life changing across 20 accounts with a goal of building up I’ll prob start there then move to 250. Good luck man look forward to seeing more progress!
Passed First Eval
Just got the notification that I passed the first eval account on Apex... it took exactly two weeks from start to finish. I started the Monday following the prop firm webinar, about a week and a half after I discovered Kyle's community. So, less than a month in total. I am amazed and overjoyed that this is happening after struggling with it for so long. Thanks to Kyle for the excellent lessons, and to everyone else for making it fun.
New comment Mar 12
0 likes • Mar 12
Nice job! Stick to the process not the profits. Ive burned many so dont be like me, stick with small risk, stay with the plan, and you got this!
Trade Psychology - my biggest problem
Blew 8Pa's this morning, 8 PA's left. And some of those 90%offs loaded up. I saw the golden carret and tried to take a bite. Don't be like me... Trade psychology is the hardest part of this endeavor. Ive done some difficult things in my life and nothing is as difficult as Trading. As easy as it is to stick to set criteria, its easier said than done. As easy as it is in having discipline, that one single misshap can blow the account. Discipline needs to be maintained every single trade - its easier said than done. As easy as it is to not have FOMO when the market rips off big news (NVDA) its easier said than done in staying out of trades you have no business being in. There are no excuses for my failures in trading other than my own bad discipline. You will NEVER win in trading if you cannot handle this part of it. So if you're weak willed then maybe quit while you are ahead. I quit a hundred times. I told myself a hundred times, this is, it no more mistakes, no more going tilt and blowing accounts. Yet it happens again and again. The source: Lack of discipline. Lack of patience, fomo, fear, greed. The solution: stop all of the above - Easier said than done. Sticking to only criteria for 8 to 13 trades and will see what happens. No nonsense trades no matter what.
New comment Mar 2
1 like • Feb 22
@Patrick Eakin Your words are huge man, I am deeply grateful for the community of great people on here and with the team at NDT. I took a deep breath from going tilt, stuck to the principles and took a continuation play off of a fractal earlier. 18PAs now.. I prob got lucky but the moral of the story is I am not immune even when I feel like I'm doing great, getting a payout, and all is well. It can turn upside down in a matter of seconds if you let your guard down
0 likes • Mar 2
@Jimmy Leone Got the book and nearly half way done. Man thank you for this recommendation. Resolution is the key. Cheers!
4th account passed
It's taken a bit with the mindset aspects, but I'm making progress. Great team here. Thank you Kyle & Crew! I'm going to work a bit more on passing some additional accounts I have in process and polish my mindset then shift to earning on the PA's.
New comment Mar 1
4th account passed
1 like • Feb 27
Congrats man!! You never quit and now killing progress! Lets get it.
Dont attempt to beat the system.
So I got impatient a few weeks ago and im just now talking about it. Ive have an EA that keeps getting close to passing then going back down then getting close and back down etc.. Got tired of waiting to pass. Ive watched the market for years though before joining Kyles program, and thought i could make an educated guess and take a trade outside of kyles system. Well it didnt work.... Who could of seen that coming lol. It ended up failing my EA and i had to pay extra to reset it. Learn from my mistake and just follow the system.
New comment Feb 10
2 likes • Feb 7
@Adam Cleveland Its a testament to the commuity here, once speaking in the open about overtrading/lack of discipline I have been vastly better with it. We're all going through it, some at different paces or degrees than others for whatever reason but it is true, if you dont quit, you can get there! I have burned more accounts than I like to admit, finally 11 accounts with decent buffer going, taken a payout and between apex and take profit, almost 1mil! So far so good. I like to say, if I can do it, anyone here should be able to! Lets get it! @Matthew Klotz
1-10 of 20
Ryan S
15points to level up
Went from navigating ships to navigating futures charts. Trading to leave a legacy for my family!

Active 15d ago
Joined Sep 5, 2023
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