Trade Psychology - my biggest problem
Blew 8Pa's this morning, 8 PA's left. And some of those 90%offs loaded up. I saw the golden carret and tried to take a bite. Don't be like me...
Trade psychology is the hardest part of this endeavor. Ive done some difficult things in my life and nothing is as difficult as Trading. As easy as it is to stick to set criteria, its easier said than done. As easy as it is in having discipline, that one single misshap can blow the account. Discipline needs to be maintained every single trade - its easier said than done. As easy as it is to not have FOMO when the market rips off big news (NVDA) its easier said than done in staying out of trades you have no business being in.
There are no excuses for my failures in trading other than my own bad discipline. You will NEVER win in trading if you cannot handle this part of it. So if you're weak willed then maybe quit while you are ahead. I quit a hundred times. I told myself a hundred times, this is, it no more mistakes, no more going tilt and blowing accounts. Yet it happens again and again.
The source: Lack of discipline. Lack of patience, fomo, fear, greed.
The solution: stop all of the above - Easier said than done.
Sticking to only criteria for 8 to 13 trades and will see what happens. No nonsense trades no matter what.
Ryan S
Trade Psychology - my biggest problem
InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
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