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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

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15 contributions to InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
"Swing Low/Trend Low" Definition?
I may be WAY overthinking this (I do that sometimes...), but is there a definition of a trend low or swing low? I suppose I'm one of those engineer types that Kyle refers to in some of his videos who want as much black and white as we can get. :) Thanks, ~Ax
New comment Mar 17
1 like • Mar 15
I write automated trading bots... one of the easiest definitions is that a high or low is a point that is the extreme within a defined time window. So a low would have no lower point for x unit of time on either side.
So let's say you identify what you think is a bullish breakout. If you buy then it starts to move up and you then set your stop loss at you buy in point, does this make it impossible to lose money????
New comment Mar 14
0 likes • Mar 14
May the Froth be with you!
Some Help with Supply/Demand Blocks?
Hi folks - I feel like I shouldn't have to ask this, but after watching the Supply and Demand Block lesson videos multiple times, I'm still a bit stuck. I'm looking at the ES1! 1 hour chart on Trading View (attached) looking to place a trade this morning, but when I try to draw Supply and Demand blocks they seem way further apart than what I see in Kyle's videos, and the demand block looks very low compared to where price is. I have an alert set for a possible Superman Bullish trade entering at 5098.5, but I'm not very confident that I got that right. If some of you have some current supply/demand blocks on this chart, could you nudge me in the right direction? Thanks so much!
New comment Mar 14
Some Help with Supply/Demand Blocks?
2 likes • Mar 13
Just as a general commentary on timeframe: these zones can be valid for a very long period of time. I could show you a chart right now of the ES where the price bounced off of a zone that was established 7 months earlier. The institutions have timeframes that are well beyond our expectations. I was attempting to do something pretty similar before I discovered Kyle, but the hardest part for me was to slow down, widen out my timeframe, and be perfectly happy if I see one trade per day.
14 passed so far. (Update) Make that 20
Just passed my 20th account today. This with the 100 days to freedom group is the best.
New comment Jun 3
14 passed so far. (Update) Make that 20
0 likes • Mar 12
So roughly how much in fees do you have to pay each month? That is one of the things that concerns me about the "many account" concept.
0 likes • Mar 12
Ah well I think I screwed up because I selected the recurring billing for my first PA account. So you are saying that if you choose the one-time payment that is it, there are no more monthly fees? That makes a little more sense. The way Apex does things is a bit Byzantine...
Passed First Eval
Just got the notification that I passed the first eval account on Apex... it took exactly two weeks from start to finish. I started the Monday following the prop firm webinar, about a week and a half after I discovered Kyle's community. So, less than a month in total. I am amazed and overjoyed that this is happening after struggling with it for so long. Thanks to Kyle for the excellent lessons, and to everyone else for making it fun.
New comment Mar 12
1-10 of 15
Kevin Roll
36points to level up
Software engineer, day trader focused on automated algos. Also a pilot and musician.

Active 149d ago
Joined Feb 11, 2024
New Hampshire
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