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21 contributions to Free Life Foundation
Answered Prayer 🙌❤️✝️
Glory to God who reigns on High‼️🎺🎶🎺🎶🎺🎶 Yesterday during our Morning Devotion & Prayer I asked you to join me in prayer over our brother @Rusty Roberts and God indeed answered triumphantly… Rusty shared with me the news that after his Medical Director stepped down, his mentor has stepped up to counsel, mentor and consult with Rusty and his staff during this difficult transition. Hosea 4:6 says - My people suffer from lack of knowledge Proverbs 15:22 says - Plans fail for lack of council but with many advisors they succeed Philippians 4:6-7 says - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. We Thank the Lord Almighty today for this breakthrough at Brio Medical and for His continued Blessings overall And I also want to thank @Shaniqua Lewis @Christina Fredley @Karen Valentino @Paul Propst @Jefferson Kisha and those I can’t tag for all your support and prayer 🙏❤️✝️ If you are in need of support, encouragement, prayer, guidance and direction I invite you to join our daily prayer and devotional sessions every weekday. See Calendar Tab for more details. God Bless each and every one of you 🙌❤️✝️
New comment Apr 11
3 likes • Apr 6
@Shaniqua Lewis thank you Shaniqua. What the director meant for evil our Lord meant for good. Thank you Lord. It’s going to make for an amazing story which glorious our Lord. 🤘
3 likes • Apr 9
@Erica - Free Life Foundation good morning Erica. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I promise you they made a difference. The Lord said we’ll have trouble, but He gave us His wonderful promises that He will be with us through that trouble and deliver us and honor us. This is exactly what He is doing. It’s incredible to witness. I look forward to sharing the victory. 🙏
📣🌟🏆 Prize Winner Announcement! 🏆🌟📣
🥳 The Winner of March’s Community Prize Is… ✅ The one who gained the most points by: 🏆 Uplifting other community members with supportive responses on their posts 🏆 Attending Live Calls 🏆 Sharing Biblical Business Wisdom Newsletters 🏆 Posting valuable lessons to pay it forward from a Free Life Foundation course 🏆 Sharing Free Life Foundation on social media … & this month, we’re celebrating our sister SHANIQUA!!! 📣👏🏽🌟🙌🏽📣👏🏽🌟🙌🏽 🙏🏽 @Shaniqua Lewis is a devoted Free Life Foundation member invested in up-leveling her relationship with God, progressing in God’s word & the path He’s set before her, inviting & uplifting others in the community, and so much more. 💝 We adore & appreciate you, Shaniqua — we’re thrilled you’re a committed and priceless part of our community. 🎁 You’ve won a once-in-a-lifetime VIP session with Mentor Sean Murphy. ✝️ Sean Murphy will help you achieve breakthroughs from mental and emotional strongholds and embrace God's power for your peace, purpose, and prosperity. 🙏🏽 Thanks for your generous contribution to the Free Life Foundation community ♥️ {{{{{ Shaniqua, just private message us here for the next steps to receive your prize! }}}}} 🏁 Thanks everyone for playing! 🌟🌟Want to win incredible, tailored-to-you VIP experiences as a reward for making progress in your business & community with us!?…🌟🌟 🎉 We will have another juicy prize for the community winner in April, so please join in on the fun… 🤝 We all can use support sometimes, focusing on what helps us progress in our walk with God, often especially in our business! 🏆 Which is why we’re offering life-changing opportunities for Free Life Foundation members who are committed to excelling and progressing on their path with us 🚀 God bless, good luck, and Godspeed! Free Life Foundation team 👀 Ps - How To Earn Points In The Comments 👇🏽
New comment Apr 3
📣🌟🏆 Prize Winner Announcement! 🏆🌟📣
3 likes • Apr 3
@Shaniqua Lewis God bless you.
Time For A Change Up?
I need some feedback @Paul Propst , @Christina Fredley , @Shaniqua Lewis , @Karen Valentino @Rusty Roberts @Cindy Lucas You all, and others I can’t tag are our OGs in the morning meetups and As our audience and participation continues to grow we have seen our daily devotions go from averaging from 30 mins to now an hour each day. So a couple of questions for each of you please. 1. Are you ok with the Devotions being an hour in length? 2. Would you like to have a format that allows space for questions and / or personal discussion connection before / after devotional within the allotted timeframe? 3. Anything you would add or takeaway? 4. General feedback? I want to make sure this time that you are dedicating to one another and to our Lord is fruitful to your business as well as your personal lives. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you friends & God Bless 🦁⚔️🛡️✝️
New comment Mar 30
2 likes • Mar 26
@Sean Murphy you’re gonna love it. Thank you. 🙏
5 likes • Mar 26
Hahaaa. Yep a little homework to help you move forward with being an elevated disciple who has a wonderful relationship with our Father God.
Psalms Path
I am posting this again it fills me so full💜🙏. @Rusty Roberts @Paul Propst @Shaniqua Lewis @Karen Valentino Psalms path Every time I read Psalms path, it fills me so full💜🙏 and this is what keeps hitting me on the head. This is Proverbs 2….1 My son, if thou wilt receive my words, And hide my commandments with thee; 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, And apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, And liftest up thy voice for understanding; 4 If thou seekest her as silver, And searchest for her as for hid treasures; 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God. 6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: Out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. 7 He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: He is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. 8 He keepeth the paths of judgment, And preserveth the way of his saints. 9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, And equity; yea, every good path. 10 When wisdom entereth into thine heart, And knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; 11 Discretion shall preserve thee, Understanding shall keep thee: 12 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, From the man that speaketh froward things; 13 Who leave the paths of uprightness, To walk in the ways of darkness; 14 Who rejoice to do evil, And delight in the frowardness of the wicked; 15 Whose ways are crooked, And they froward in their paths: (‭‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭2‬‬:‭1‬-‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬)
New comment Mar 26
5 likes • Mar 23
God Bless you Christina. What great scripture you’ve shared. Thank you for doing so. God is working in me to desire spiritual gifts I’ve never expressed. That is to prophesy, faith heal, and raise the dead for His good purposes. Psalms Path continues to bless me as well as our Lord is far bigger and more merciful than I’ve given him credit for. I’ve come to understand God is looking to increase our portions of His Spirit. We need to fully grasp the greatness of these gifts and be responsible for using them for His good pleasure. When we do our lives will explode with miracles for countless people. This is my new righteous desire. God will give it to me in His perfect timing. He wants to do this for each of His children who earnestly seek Him with all we’ve got. What an amazing life He has in store for you, me, and everyone who loves our Lord. 🔥✝️😇✝️🔥
3 likes • Mar 26
Good morning Christina. I have something for you. The Lord has asked me to tell you to read Luke 19:11-27. Then you and I will discuss your identity and enlightenment. You are going to love this as the Lord is ready to bless you.
Am I Willing To?
It all starts there my friends… 1. Am I willing to put others' needs before my own desires, as Jesus taught us through His example? 2. Am I willing to forgive others as freely as I have been forgiven, even when it's hard? 3. Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to share the love of Christ with those who might not understand it? 4. Am I willing to let go of my plans to follow God's purpose for my life, trusting that His plans are better? 5. Am I willing to spend time daily in prayer and reading the Bible, even when life gets busy or I'm not in the mood? 6. Am I willing to serve others without expecting anything in return, finding joy in the act of giving alone? 7. Am I willing to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me, following Jesus's command? 8. Am I willing to resist the temptations of materialism and the pursuit of wealth, focusing instead on treasures in heaven? 9. Am I willing to be humble, recognizing that every good thing I have is a gift from God and not of my own doing? 10. Am I willing to stand firm in my faith, even if it means facing criticism, rejection, or persecution? 11. Am I willing to ask for forgiveness when I fail and to repent, turning back to God with a sincere heart? 12. Am I willing to use my talents and resources to serve God's kingdom, not just for personal advancement? 13. Am I willing to prioritize my spiritual growth and relationship with God above all earthly relationships? 14. Am I willing to live a life of simplicity and contentment, finding satisfaction in what God provides? 15. Am I willing to speak the truth in love, even when it's not popular or may cause discomfort?
New comment Mar 28
3 likes • Mar 21
I got a question for you Sean. Does God want miracles to just be stories in the Bible, or does God want everyone in His church today doing miracles in Jesus name?
3 likes • Mar 21
@Sean Murphy I feel the Lord stirring me to step up and step out in faith to be one of His children who is that light in the world; a disciple we should do these works of our Lord
1-10 of 21
Rusty Roberts
337points to level up
I’m the founder of Brio Medical in Scottsdale. It’s one of the top holistic integrative cancer clinics in the US. I built it on scripture.

Active 3d ago
Joined Nov 6, 2023
Scottsdale Arizona
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