Am I Willing To?
It all starts there my friends…
1. Am I willing to put others' needs before my own desires, as Jesus taught us through His example?
2. Am I willing to forgive others as freely as I have been forgiven, even when it's hard?
3. Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to share the love of Christ with those who might not understand it?
4. Am I willing to let go of my plans to follow God's purpose for my life, trusting that His plans are better?
5. Am I willing to spend time daily in prayer and reading the Bible, even when life gets busy or I'm not in the mood?
6. Am I willing to serve others without expecting anything in return, finding joy in the act of giving alone?
7. Am I willing to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me, following Jesus's command?
8. Am I willing to resist the temptations of materialism and the pursuit of wealth, focusing instead on treasures in heaven?
9. Am I willing to be humble, recognizing that every good thing I have is a gift from God and not of my own doing?
10. Am I willing to stand firm in my faith, even if it means facing criticism, rejection, or persecution?
11. Am I willing to ask for forgiveness when I fail and to repent, turning back to God with a sincere heart?
12. Am I willing to use my talents and resources to serve God's kingdom, not just for personal advancement?
13. Am I willing to prioritize my spiritual growth and relationship with God above all earthly relationships?
14. Am I willing to live a life of simplicity and contentment, finding satisfaction in what God provides?
15. Am I willing to speak the truth in love, even when it's not popular or may cause discomfort?
Sean Murphy
Am I Willing To?
Free Life Foundation
A community for God-loving entrepreneurs & leaders to prosper in their pursuit of professional & personal freedom, for free.
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