Time For A Change Up?
You all, and others I can’t tag are our OGs in the morning meetups and As our audience and participation continues to grow we have seen our daily devotions go from averaging from 30 mins to now an hour each day.
So a couple of questions for each of you please.
  1. Are you ok with the Devotions being an hour in length?
  2. Would you like to have a format that allows space for questions and / or personal discussion connection before / after devotional within the allotted timeframe?
  3. Anything you would add or takeaway?
  4. General feedback?
I want to make sure this time that you are dedicating to one another and to our Lord is fruitful to your business as well as your personal lives. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank you friends & God Bless
Sean Murphy
Time For A Change Up?
Free Life Foundation
A community for God-loving entrepreneurs & leaders to prosper in their pursuit of professional & personal freedom, for free.
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