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Free Life Foundation

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5 contributions to Free Life Foundation
Thoughts 🤔
What do you think about Christian entrepreneurs who post about their income? Motivating? Distasteful? Ungodly? 🦁⚔️🛡️✝️
New comment Feb 29
2 likes • Feb 27
I just think anyone posting about their income is kinda weird. Especially if they give specifics. Maybe its the Midwest culture in me.
Dave Ramsey on Business
This message is totally re-organizing my business mindset and how I look at making money.,vid:L8WRthOCMcU,st:0
New comment Feb 28
What Would You Do?
This is a copy & paste of an actual event a friend of mine is going through. No wrong answers here, but as Godly Entrepreneurs this is a perfect opportunity for a real world case study: We are having vinyl floors installed in our house. We’ve waited to do this for two years and finally have an opportunity and the money to do so. Yesterday, the installer showed up two hours late around 11am, by himself, having no help to complete the job. We don’t know why. He doesn’t speak much English although we went through a reputable company that apparently contracts the install out. After about ten hours of work, he nearly finished the kitchen, and as he was moving the refrigerator back in place, gouged the vinyl floor in two places. He had his wife come to lay the floor later in the evening. I called the flooring company’s office line at around 9:30PM when he left and sent an email with photos. Had a return call from the sales guy before 9:00am this morning. They plan to finish the job including the two bathrooms today, and order a new sheet of vinyl for replacement later. Our house is covered in dust. Furniture and appliances are all over our living room. We had to relocate the babies to my mom’s Air B&B because the smell and dust was so bad when they removed the old floor. Some of this expected, but not managed well by the company. The owner came out to our house this morning and apologized. He also let us know that the installer has to eat the cost of the vinyl and has five kids at home. That hurts my heart for them, but as a customer, we aren’t paying for damaged flooring. How would you feel? What would you do? Anything? I generally do not err on the side of compassion in these situations because of my job. A lot of contractors can and do take advantage of a customer. I’ve seen it a lot in my current role, and also when I worked for a General Contractor. Trying to see God in this however, and not be so jaded.
New comment Feb 6
2 likes • Dec '23
I know it’s a sad story but he can’t run a business like this. You should not be stuck with the bill either. I would very kindly have him be responsible for his employee’s choices.
Hi Everyone .. I'm a new online coach .. I want to help millions care for their sick and elderly LO's
"EmpowerCare: Transforming Caregiving Through Knowledge, Compassion, and Empowerment.... is my online teaching course I want everyones input and prayers ..any Questions you have I will help you... so glad to be here with you
New comment Nov '23
3 likes • Nov '23
My 100 year old grandfather just passed away last month. My aunt lived with him, so he could be in his home until the end. It was a blessing, but also SO hard. Mostly it was other family members "helping" in unhelpful ways ("Just put him in a nursing home." "If you aren't going to take away his car, I will."). They saw a problem but instead of asking the caregiver what they could do to lighten her burden, they just tried to step in and make up their own solutions. It actually tore our family apart, and I'm not sure if we will ever be able to rebuild. I LOVE that you are offering this service! It is a long and lonely job. My aunt compared winter to "five months of Sundays". Both her and Grandpa dreaded the season. Also, now that he is gone, my aunt is having to rediscover her life. She can have time for friends now. Watch what she wants on TV. Has time to go to an exercise class. She's in a whole new season now, and it was kinda scary at first.
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Welcome to Free Life Foundation, a place where 'Your Business is Your Ministry.' Our mission together is simple: Empowering entrepreneurs to prosper in alignment with God, because we believe in the extraordinary power of Godly entrepreneurs to make lasting impact in this world. Please Watch This Brief Welcome Video!! To kick things off: 1. COMMENT BELOW: Introduce Yourself & Your Business in the Comments Below 2. JOIN LIVE: Add the next live community call to your personal calendar: 3. LOOK AROUND: Check out the Classroom, Calendar, and other tabs where you'll find future Biblical Business Wisdom newsletters, high-level courses, daily live prayer, and more. Come back here to the Community tab to engage, share, ask questions, network, and tap into the wellspring anytime. Ps - One group rule: 👑 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐭 — are you aligning with God in what you’re sharing, posting, commenting? If it’s out of integrity, spammy, just self-promotion or posting without consideration to others, it will be deleted. We’re committed to this being the highest-value God-centered business community you know! We have value-add ways for you to share your business, like this intro post, new member meetups, daily live calls, and by-application Faithful Entrepreneur Business Directory. We’re always looking for ways to support your business, and cold-DMing or Posting without context or any other participation in this group is not the way. Tag us in your intro post if you’d like to apply to be in our community Business Directory so other members can see your business & offerings!
New comment 8d ago
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2 likes • Nov '23
We’re in South Dakota
1 like • Nov '23
@Sergio Mohar thank you!!! I had not thought of that!
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Cindy Lucas
41points to level up
Ground level at starting our Direct to Consumer beef business. Honoring God by raising healthy grass-fed beef for everyone.

Active 1d ago
Joined Nov 6, 2023
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