Gamers, I've been so busy lately.. Don't take my inactivity as me not caring. I was too active...I spent too much time on Skool, shirking my IRL responsibilities. I may have given the impression that I live on the internet, but that isn't true. I have 500 things in my life that require my attention and skool is just one of those. Even though its a smaller portion of my day...I still care about all of you! Your journey is important! As much as I'd like to focus on this full time, I can't... I plan to be more active, but I need to put in the work IRL first! Even though I've been playing the IRL game for years, I'm still not there... I'm blessed to be where I am. I don't want your money, and I have no desire to take it. Most communities on here focus on the upsell... they want your money! Today I am I sweating my butt off installing floors in a new rental unit... I wanted to take a break to let you all know that I haven't forgotten and that I havent given up. I hope you all find the inspiration and motivation to keep pushing for a better tomorrow :) Even if only one person reads this post, it's worth it to me. Here's my view in the middle of the country :) Its quiet.. birds chirping. Grasshoppers hopping! How have you been? @Mikhail Shakh @Louise Aquino @Ajaj Ahmad @AbdulQudus Sumaila @Agi Roland Agi @Barbara Freilinger @Benny Lawless-Jennings @Cedric Winchester III @Chris Bak @David Stewart @Emrah Tacyildiz @Crying Freeman @George Vanghele @Heidi Aderman @Ijanada Marcel medugu @Ifa Dyana Rozwan @Kai Panelo @Dalia Lange @Lisa Epperson @Marc Justine Pasajol @Makayla Shaw @Ngoc O .o @Nick Clawson @NaKayla Vaughn @Obioma Ihionu @Orion Blackwood @Perrin Lash @Phillip Chipping @Quadir Bartholomew @Raymond Zhu @Ron Carter @Sarah Richardson @Scott von GOTH @Sawyer Hartman @Tess Loucka @Thomas Suebwicha @Teo Neacsu @Vincent White @George Vanghele @Walker Harris @Wow Magic @Younes The conqueror @Rye Yan @Jose Carlos Zavarse @Zach Palmer @Sofia Tahanova