Day 14: Reflecting on the Journey
Day 14: Reflecting on the Journey Activity: Reflect on the progress you’ve made over the past two weeks, focusing on your personal growth and financial literacy. Task: Write a summary of your biggest takeaways from this challenge. Identify one financial habit or practice that you’re committed to continuing and one new goal to work toward. Journal Tracker: 1. What was the most significant lesson you learned Self discipline is the significant lesson I learned from the 14-day challenge. By having the discipline, I am able to reduce unnecessary expenses and save a few dollars for emergency fund. 2. How has this challenge changed your perspective on finances? I have realized the need to reduce expenditures, budget my salary, and realign my finances to enjoy a stress free life, pay my debts and bills on time. 3.What is one financial habit or mindset shift you want to maintain going forward? I will continue the discipline in myself, controlling unnecessary expenses and mindful of my spending habits. Instructions The 14-day challenge was crucial in the way I envision about my financial goal. It was an eye-opener. It has transformed me financially literate.