Cutting costs is always important for keeping your money and living without worry of homelessness or ruin. But you always need more money if you want to be free. Your job may be the thing paying the highest from all the other investments but like I said before, the more streams of income the more freedom you have. Why is that? Imagine you wake up tomorrow and you find you are paralyzed or even learn you have cancer. Terrible stuff, now when your job stops being your main source of income what else can you rely on? For many people who have lost their jobs for medical reasons or other reasons they struggle to make ends meet. Even full time workers with a healthy body and a good job may be living paycheck to paycheck, just one accident away from going under. So what do you do? You invest. From CDs, High yield accounts, Stocks, rental homes, funds, bonds, and more. Investing is what lightens your financial burden of your job and even improves your finances. So what is there? Loads of stuff but the main ones I want to talk about are 1:Accounts(CDs, HYSA, etc.), 2: volatile options(stocks, crypto, startups, etc.), 3:Low risk options(bonds, funds, land/homes, etc), and 4?: Private investments. For #1 I already talked on the options like CDs and HYSA. But there are other accounts out there that can make you money like the aforementioned accounts. Those being trust and life insurance. How? Gross oversimplification on trusts: Irrevocable trusts are for kith and kin(friends and family) that will around forever. Revocable trusts are for when the Grantor(person who made the trust and puts assets into it.) still loves but will move their assets to another without probate taxes. (AKA parents want to pass down the house while they still live without having to pay massive taxes.) So how can a trust earn money? Generally a Revocable trust that is set up correct to take loans out can have their Re:Trust act as a loose definition of a bank. Meaning the Benefactor(Person who the trust befits from.) who should be you can take a loan out from the Re:Trust and purchase more assets, land, houses, or businesses. So how do you set it up? Grantor(Trust maker and one who adds to the trust) needs to be you. Benefactor(Who the trust goes to when Grantor dies or is sick) needs to be you to ask for the loan. The Trustee(Trust manager/accountant) cannot be you for the loan to work, you need to either get in a company or special person who will authorize and be the one to give you the loan. you do need to have the paperwork for the RE:Trust to actually have the ability to loan out, but you can also set your own rates as the Grantor.