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Dropshipping Crew

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Davie's Free Ecom Course

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5 contributions to Dropshipping Crew
Win a FREE 20 minutes 1:1 Call with me 🔥
How can you take part? You have the task of cutting ONE creative for this electric cleaning brush (photo attached). This creative should sell and be convincing. Address the pain points, research what the target group wants to hear and see. You have exactly 7 days to do this. When your creative is ready, post the corresponding drive link here in the comments. Please do not upload any files, just the link. How do I determine the winner? In about a week I will go through all the creatives one by one in a Loom Live (without having seen them before). You will get immediate feedback and I will then choose the winner whose creative convinced me the most. I will pay attention to the copy, the marketing, the cuts and the structure. A good interplay of everything makes a "winning creative". Why should you take part? See this as an exercise in creative editing. You will also get direct feedback on your work, which you can learn from, even if you don't "win". What is the 1:1 Creative Call about? The call will be customized for you. You can show me your previous creatives and ask for help. I can explain how to create winner videos etc. Everything YOU need help with. TIP: Search for content under the keyword "sonic scrubber" P.S. If you like this format and there is a lot of participation. I can make this a recurring event 🫡 Let's create and don't forget to have fun 😎
New comment Apr 9
Win a FREE 20 minutes 1:1 Call with me 🔥
0 likes • Apr 9
@Daniela Di Rella Great feedback 👍
CJ or Auto DS
Hey guys, I have a question about supplier. I have a product that is available both on CJ Dropshipping and AutoDS. For CJ the shipping time is 5-11 days, on AutoDS shipping is 14 days. Price is similar for both. I want to sell in USA, which supplier do you guys prefer if you have any experience with either one? I also contacted one supplier directly on Aliexpress, but I'm guessing they don't want to deal with shops that do less than 20-50 orders a day, so for start I will use CJ or AutoDS.
New comment Mar 16
0 likes • Mar 16
@Soslan Alani thanks, I'll look into it. Yeah finding an agent is definetly the end goal, but just to get the ball rolling you got to start and test with whatever you can.
0 likes • Mar 16
@Djimon Pfitzer they have a solid platform but I had some issues with fullfillment, it took 3 days to fullfill and ship one order 🥴 I haven't tried their paid membership, maybe that has better communication and features.
How is it going? ❗️
Hey Crew, how far are you in you're dropshipping journey ? Are you maybe stuck somewhere? What did you learn so far? AND where do you need more advice? spill the tea! 🫖 & let's discuss 👇
New comment Mar 17
0 likes • Mar 13
@Daniela Di Rella Don't have the capital for that yet
0 likes • Mar 13
@Andrei Oboukhov I don't plan to hahah
Feedback on creatives & shop/offer 🙏
Hi, I would appreciate any feedback/tips/advice on my creatives and shop/offer. It is in German but I hope you still get the gist. I just started the general store -> testing -> new branded store approach so the linked shop will be my general store where I will test all my future products. Shop is
New comment Mar 11
1 like • Mar 10
@Djimon Pfitzer If you want to find colors that work well together use
Feedback on numbers
Guys, I just got my first sale today!!! Feels absolutely crazy!🤪 Wanted to ask the crew 2 questions, 1. How does my tiktok ads numbers look? What metrics should I try to improve for scaling? 2. Is there someone selling in US from EU and how is your business set up, do you have an LLC in US?
New comment Mar 10
Feedback on numbers
1 like • Mar 9
@Daniela Di Rella I haven't tested the product myself, I'm using CJ and the same product is listed on hundreds of other stores aswll so I'm hoping it's good, but can't say for sure. It's a very simple product so it can't be too bad I'm hoping. But thanks for the feedback!
0 likes • Mar 10
@Alex Wve There are a couple of different brands on amazon that sell that product and do good monthly volume with ratings between 3.7 - 4.4, so the market is already saturated but I believe there is still room for me to make some sales. The problem is, I don't know my product quality since I didn't order any samples yet and I have 2 different suppliers (CJ and Zendrop) for different variations. So I paused the ads for now and trying to figure out the supplier situation and quality of my product for now. It just feels good to get the confirmation that IT IS possible and I am going the right direction. Thanks for thr feedback 🙏
1-5 of 5
Richard Kivimagi
9points to level up
Starting my ecom journey from Estonia

Active 87d ago
Joined Mar 6, 2024
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