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Breathx Underground

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3 contributions to Breathx Underground
Share you WINS!
Hello everyone. Let's spend a moment to share some of your wins below. Give me a win for the week, something that challenged you but added value, and/or something you are looking forward this week. 1.2.3. Drop them below
New comment 7d ago
Share you WINS!
2 likes β€’ 10d
Hey...I've been off the radar for a bit as I was away on my vacation. A win was that I actually went! (Some of you may remember that I had doubts as to whether I could go or not due to high levels of anxiety/panic). I feel like this trio was a reset for my system, and it brought back a bit of that travel bug I used to have. Today I was challenged with some depression, but was able to bring myself out of it by focusing my mind. I haven't gotten into any of the practices listed here as of yet but am just focusing on my diaphragm during my meditations. Its super calming.
Introduce Yourself!
Please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from, what do you do for work? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? What is your current struggle? #3 - What is one interesting fact about you? I'll go first... #1 - My name is Ryan Carroll, I am from St Petersburg, Florida. I currently live in Santa Teresa Costa Rica. My business is my life's passion. I want to share the power of the breath and the methods I have personally benefitted from massively with the world. #2 - What I want out of this community is to be of service... I want to connect, build community, learn about you, and help guide you on your path of growth the best I can. #3 - I love backcountry camping and solitude in nature. One of my favorite offerings I have is leading vision quests.
New comment 28d ago
Introduce Yourself!
1 like β€’ Aug 3
Hi there, Rebecca from Victoria, BC. I am a Social Worker, and also work with a company who sells sales funnel software and coaches people how to build out online businesses, as well as working at a nordic sauna circuit (did I mention I have ADHD)... My current struggle is situational anxiety (trip coming up soon with 2 flights that I'm panicking about already) and CFS/ME lifelong. What I would like to get out of this group is a glimmer of hope that anxiety can be transformed, and have a supportive community, and to help others in the community and outside of that. Interesting fact - my ADHD makes me a super zoned in driver and my secret dream is to become a hollywood stunt driver. πŸ˜€
1 like β€’ Aug 16
@Adrienne C WOW, that is impressive that you travelled to SE Asia in that state! Yeah, I think the CFS is a big contributor for sure. Thank you for sharing your experience, it gives me hope I can do it too!
Weekly Win/Challenge/Goal Share
Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had a restorative weekend. This week we are sharing your: 1. Win πŸ‘‰πŸ» (Something you achieved, are proud of, want to brag about) 2. Challenge πŸ‘‰πŸ» (Something that made you face some difficulty, fear, or emotional stress) 3. Goal for the week πŸ‘‰πŸ» (What is the ONE THING that if you accomplished this week would make it a success?) Share yours below! And don’t forgot our call coming up soon!
New comment Aug 9
5 likes β€’ Aug 6
1. Win πŸ‘‰πŸ» - this week I was able to regulate my nervous system using some breathing and other tools I have acquired. 2. Challenge πŸ‘‰πŸ» My big challenge at the moment is my upcoming trip and feeling very anxious about going. 3. Goal for the week πŸ‘‰πŸ» My goal is to get to a place where I feel like I am looking forward to my trip
1-3 of 3
Rebecca McKee
11points to level up
Lifelong biohacker and anxiety sufferer...Registered Social Worker who is always looking for ways to support myself and my clients.

Active 5d ago
Joined Aug 3, 2024
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