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Day Trading for Beginners

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5 contributions to Day Trading for Beginners
average cost of spread, fees or comissions??
Hi. today i have a question. I have been trading in my paper account in tradingview app. I have no idea if my wins are reflected after commissions or fees or spread?!!!. i think that commissions or fees aren't apply in paper account!!! My question is , how much on average are in percentage the total fees, comission and spread??? If I were a swing trader, what would be the total costs of each, for example, 10000 dollar trading (buy and sell)? Thanks.
New comment 2h ago
1 like • 4h
@Mario Santos Here is a little bit of info I got from two different brokers for reference if you want to track it when you log your papertrading (what I plan to do) These are fees including contact, exchange, regulatory and overnight - THINKORSWIM - Per Trade : $2.59 = or $5.18 round trip per future - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - Per Trade : $2.50 round trip (you can also check out this link for more info at interactivebrokers: )
AI/ML Accountability Partner
Hi, I am just learning about trading and been listening to the podcast. I am interested in taking some of my background knowledge in machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms for chemical analysis and using these techniques to test models in the market. I would like to find an accountability partner to work with that would be interested in meeting bi-weekly to chat about ideas and progress. Thank you.
New comment 2h ago
1 like • 7h
Need 10 more minutes
1 like • 7h
Will join when I get home sorry for the delay
Futures Trading - With Leverage how to?
Hi All, Really glad to be apart of the community here and get to know you all better. I am in the early stages of my day trading journey and looking to continue to building the educational foundation for my day trading pursuits. I have selected a broker, thinkorswim, and was wondering if any of you all know how to apply leverage when trading on this platform with futures? Thank you
New comment 2h ago
1 like • 11h
Thanks @Tyler Stokes your explanation definitely helped clear some things up for me. Quick update... I called thinkorswim/schwab and spoke directly to a futures trader. They were super helpful so it is a great resource to anyone on the platform that might have questions. I have begun to do a deep dive into Micro Futures, good contact number if anyone else had questions : 1(800) 435-9050 Some good info I was missing is below for anyone else that might need this, however please note I am just getting started and am not an expert on any of this: 1. Futures do no have leverage (as you called out Tyler) There is initial margin (skin in the game) that is shown for each coin you may want to trade(see attachment for reference). So you will have that margin tied up until you complete your trade (potentially preventing you from entering two trades at the same time, based on your account balance). Once your trade is completed you instantly get your margin back (+/- your win/loss for the trade) 2. Pattern Day Trading rule - this does not apply to futures or forex traders. ie. you may make than 4 trades in a 5 day period an keep an account with a balance under $25,000. This is not the case with stocks and options, you will need to maintain a larger account size. 3. Fees per trade. This varies a lot per broker (as I am sure you guys know) but for thinkorswim when you are brand new all fees roundtrip per trade work out to $5.18. I plan to paper trade and track all the profit losses ect over the next few months, so I can report back how crippling this might be to a scalping stagey (which I plan to more or less implement). Hope this might be helpful
1 like • 10h
Think I will go with Interactive brokers like you! Interactive brokers fees per trade: 1 ES Futures Contract = IBKR Execution Fee USD 0.85 + Exchange Fee USD 1.38 + Clearing Fee USD 0.00 + Regulatory Fee USD 0.02 + per/contract fee USD 0.25 = USD 2.50
Crypto Trading?? Fell into the Rabbit hole, should I get out?
Hi All my name is Pete and I am new to the group, Stumbled upon the podcast/wiki, thanks @Tyler Stokes for creating this space and taking part in community dedicated to helping traders in their beginning pursuits. I was drawn to trading after leaving my 9-5 to study it full time in an attempt to create a work from home lifestyle. While exploring career options stocks and trading kept popping up and decided to take a course, not really conscious of the fact it was mostly centered around a community doing crypto based trading. I am feeling uncomfortable with the VPN/Legal/sticky aspects of the crypto world, but have learned some amazing strategies over the course of the past few weeks. Do I stay the course in crypto or reevaluate another option?? Would love to know your thoughts and feedback.
New comment 10h ago
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There is a community of people making serious gains on it, but from what I gather so far it is a way to get a lot of leverage and setup trading strategies with cross leverage that you might never be able to pull of with a small account in other markets. However, I am just not comfortable with the instability and chances to make an error when exchanging all the different currencies. So for now I will sink my resources into micro futures.
Welcome to the group - Start Here!
> Watch This Introduction Video Hello everyone, I'm Tyler Stokes and I'm excited to welcome you to our Day Trading for Beginners community on Skool. This community is designed for those of you who are at the beginning of your day trading journey and aspire to transition into full-time day trading. What This Community Offers: Classroom: This is where I'll be sharing everything I'm learning on my journey to become a full-time day trader. Eventually there will be courses covering all the steps required to become a full-time day trader. Find all the free courses in the Classroom here. Community Section: Engage in discussions, find accountability partners, and celebrate your wins. Every week I will be sharing what I have learned and I encourage you to do the same. It's a great place to keep yourself accountable and connect with other likeminded people. Join, Share, and Grow: As we're just getting started, the goal is to make this community incredibly useful for everyone who wants to take day trading seriously. Whether you're looking for an accountability partner, eager to share your journey with us, or just wanting to study privately, this platform is for you. Get Involved: Introduce yourself in the general discussion section, find an accountability partner, and actively participate in building this community. Your involvement can help shape this into a special place for beginners eager to become full-time day traders. Thank you for joining. Let's make this community a remarkable resource for all aspiring day traders. Access the wiki from the RealDayTrading reddit group here. Subscribe on YouTube Listen to the Podcast
New comment 11h ago
Welcome to the group - Start Here!
1 like • 1d
@Tyler Stokes found your podcast and am on a similar time line and trajectory as you! It has been a great refresher on all the info I learned in an online course I bought. I was wondering if you ever needed any help with the community? I have free time and would be willing to help in any way you might need support to keep this community up and running! Keep up the good work, you are inspiring us all!
0 likes • 11h
@Tyler Stokes Sounds great, I am hoping to gain more and more knowledge by then as well.
1-5 of 5
Peter Osborn
9points to level up
Hi I am an entrepreneurial minded guy looking to become a full time day trader. I am switching career goals in pursuit knowledge about day trading.

Active 13m ago
Joined Sep 7, 2024
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