Crypto Trading?? Fell into the Rabbit hole, should I get out?
Hi All my name is Pete and I am new to the group,
Stumbled upon the podcast/wiki, thanks for creating this space and taking part in community dedicated to helping traders in their beginning pursuits.
I was drawn to trading after leaving my 9-5 to study it full time in an attempt to create a work from home lifestyle. While exploring career options stocks and trading kept popping up and decided to take a course, not really conscious of the fact it was mostly centered around a community doing crypto based trading.
I am feeling uncomfortable with the VPN/Legal/sticky aspects of the crypto world, but have learned some amazing strategies over the course of the past few weeks.
Do I stay the course in crypto or reevaluate another option??
Would love to know your thoughts and feedback.
Peter Osborn
Crypto Trading?? Fell into the Rabbit hole, should I get out?
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