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20 contributions to Consulting HQ
Make money DAILY in your business
9 minute tutorial on why the habit of making money DAILY in your business can change everything. This session covers: - 3 powerful reasons why making money daily is key - How frequency of pay creates confidence or self sabotage - From $100 per day to $62,000 per month (and more) Not to mention, the basic steps to start making money DAILY from now. As always, share your notes below to help others in the community.
New comment 3h ago
Make money DAILY in your business
0 likes • 3h
@Kevin Whitcher a vault of products can certainly help if it's part of your core strategy for bringing in new clients and giving them a first step. Glad you found the video useful :).
In demand expert
Straight up question for you. Are you in demand? Let’s go deeper with this. Do you have: - A waiting list of clients wanting to work with you? - X3 to X10 new highly paying clients per month, every month?  - 10K to 50K+ in revenues every month purely through selling your expertise?  If the answer is no, why not? This is the power of creating an in demand personal brand. More specifically, an EXPERT brand where you’re paid thousands per client. Most don’t have this. They have: - Pain, worry and anxiety about where the client is coming from - Confusion on how they should market their expertise - Overwhelm on all the tasks on their to do list THESE ARE BEGINNER PROBLEMS. And beginner problems should only last 12 months at most, not years or decades. So let’s refocus and wake up: We live in a world where you can have clients all over the world. So you should NEVER be short of leads and clients willing to pay you. This is a mindset shift. And one I’m here to help you make. If you’re serious about being in demand, let me know below.
In demand expert
Low vs high value
You’re not stuck in a situation, you’re stuck in a mindset. Imagine this. You’re selling X5 to X10 times per month at 5K per client. A bad month is 25K in revenues and per year you’re hitting 250K+ to 500K. Most importantly, you’re achieving all of this without working all the time. You’ve got time for your life, to go for walks, gym and spend time with family. Now imagine achieving all of this as the exact person you are today, same habits and behaviours. Can you see the disconnect? This is what stops 99% of business owners. They want the change, but they hold onto low value psychology harder than a needy cat who can’t leave its owner. Sure, hitting 25K+ per month is hard. But being broke is way harder and holding on like our life depends on it is exhausting. This group isn’t about you making an extra 1K per month (because you’re not greedy) which is the most selfish mindset of all because it’s only focused on our need for money, not helping our clients on the deepest level. This group is for those who are serious truly stepping into the high value version of themselves, no excuses no BS. Now I’m back in Thailand and settled into my new home + my engine room (office) is setup. My focus is this group and each of you within it. You’ll see a tonne of resources within the classroom where for as little as $9 you can start learning what it takes to make this shift to your high value self. If you want me to help you directly, then I’ll step in as your sales director for 30 days and we’ll put my entire sales method to work in your business. I’m interviewing for new clients as we speak who are wanting to step up and even though might not feel ready, equally know they can’t stay stuck forever. For now, let’s take a vote on where you’re at right now. Sending you love and sales.
5 members have voted
Low vs high value
Copywriting tips
- Remove ‘just, that, and’ wherever possible - Read your work out loud - Speak to your audience, not at them - Turn every lesson into a story - Put the reader in the story - The first line should make the reader want to read the second line and so on - Every line should link back to the headline - Write daily and know done is better than perfect I’m not a copywriting expert. This is simply my process. P.S, tips apply for being more influential in real life too.
Most are completely stuck when it comes to sales in their business. - No sales strategy for the month - Not sure what brings in new leads - Completely unaware of what sales activity they should be doing today I’ve seen this thousands of times over the years. From newbie business owners to 20+ year veteran entrepreneurs. The vast majority are still lacking the fundamentals. It’s why most feel STUCK when it comes to their business. Sure enough, they distract themselves with crystal healing, mentoring with yet another 7 figure coach who promises the world and can’t even deliver a pizza. The reality is, we need to ask the most important question of all: Are we running our business like a business, or is it a lifestyle hobby? For most, it’s an extremely expensive hobby which brings no real joy or genuine profit. I reckon it’s time for change, don’t you? So here’s the script. I can help get your sales completely sorted (yep - this is a pitch). - Your entire sales process start to finish - Know exactly what sales activity you need to do day to day - Track the data that matters (super easy and takes 2 mins per day) - STOP losing sales and start converting more hot leads to high paying clients  - Have fun in the entire process How does all this sound? If you’re ready to stop winging it and to put everything in place, let me know. You might think, fook I can’t afford this. A: I’ve made this an insane price so you can’t say no B: The entire reason why you can’t afford it, is the entire reason WHY you need to do this You should be making money in your business. You should be brining in new highly paying clients. You should be having fun selling like crazy. Let me know. Sending love and sales. Pete
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Pete Scott
256points to level up
Co founder at CIB.Global | Helping aspiring business consultants win their first corporate client.

Active 1h ago
Joined Apr 25, 2024
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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