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Pod School

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8 contributions to Pod School
Replay: Live Q&A Session
In this Q&A session, we discussed common mistakes by new podcasters, the importance of effective marketing, and strategies for relaunching a podcast after a break. We also addressed concerns about maintaining a podcast's identity when adding new episodes, and the pros and cons of starting new shows versus boosting underperforming ones.
New comment 6h ago
0 likes • 9h
Thank you for answering my question so comprehensively 👏🏻👏🏻 Have a great weekend :)
Evening Pod School'ers, we need you help. Now that we are a week into building this fantastic podcast family (which Alex and I have thoroughly enjoyed by the way!) we would love to know what aspects you have found most valuable and what subjects you would like us to cover next. This week we have done: 2 x podcast audits, 1 x training on some of the key fundamentals of a launch and 1 x Q&A. So what has been the best part for you, what else do you need from us, what format do you want...? We know, from a recent poll, that launch and marketing seem to be the most key things that you guys want us to cover, but what else can we do to make this the most valuable podcast place on the interweb!?
New comment 47m ago
1 like • 10h
I can’t fault anything about the way you have delivered week 1 of this brilliant community. You are both clearly extremely knowledgeable, experienced and passionate about helping people that want to get started or learn how to improve in this field! As someone who is programmed to question anything that appears “too good to be true” you have already gained my trust and made me feel very welcome even though I am fighting the imposter syndrome 😂 I have really enjoyed the pod audits and definitely think this will help to build support within the group and is a great way for us to learn. I found it beneficial to listen to the podcast being audited prior to the session as this enabled me to follow and better understand your guidance. Thank you both for your efforts and I look forward to week 2 🫶🏻
Friday Live members Q & A: 1PM
Closing out the launch week of Pod School with @James Burtt & I answering your questions today at 1pm. If you can't make it live, we'd love to still answer your questions around podcasting and content creation. Remember there is NO such thing as a stupid question to ask! Please post them below 👇 and / or join us live here:
New comment 19h ago
Friday Live members Q & A: 1PM
1 like • 20h
I am unable to make the live session but have a question if you get time to answer it: What are the three most common mistakes made by new podcasters?!
REPLAY: How To Create A Successful Podcast Launch
Hi Pod School'ers, here is a replay link to a short training where @Alex Chisnall and I cover some of the key components of creating a successful podcast launch including the logistics of a 14-Day launch strategy, the benefits of a multiple-episode launch structure and why the algorithm wants to support your new show. Watch the replay
New comment 2d ago
1 like • 2d
@James Burtt top man thank you 🤜🏻🤛🏻
0 likes • 2d
@Alex Chisnall sounds great to me thank you 🙌🏻 I am here to learn and if that involves having to laugh at myself then I’m all for it!
Pod School Review Review!
I can't thank @James Burtt and @Alex Chisnall enough for the valuable feedback and advice about my podcast! I've already put things into action and looking forward to reporting back on improvements! I can't wait to hear other podcast reviews as I know I can discover more aha moments!
New comment 13h ago
2 likes • 3d
@Ally Murphy as someone who is brand new to the podcast world I learnt so much from your session and the feedback you received. I really enjoyed listening to your show and look forward to seeing how you put the feedback into practice. Well done 👏🏻 👏🏻
1-8 of 8
Olly Hall-Green
2points to level up
Owner of G4U Health & Wellness. Passionate about mental health, trauma & burnout recovery. Recently launched my 1st “Let’s Walk & Talk” podcast.

Active 59m ago
Joined Jun 27, 2024
South Devon
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