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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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9 contributions to Skool Community
Working on my Funnel Strategy
Curious, if anyone knows or read a Resources post that lists where to buy Completed Starter Websites for Wordpress where all I have to do is connect it to my domain (it already has hosting)?๐Ÿ’ป Iโ€™d like to use Skool as my funnel and connect it to an already existing domain that has been parked waiting for me to figure out how to make my idea come to fruition.
New comment 2h ago
Working on my Funnel Strategy
2 likes โ€ข 6h
@Ellie Shoja any tips here?
Top 3 Lessons
Hi all, I am a baby skooler, just joined Sunday (9/22) night. I'm going through the classroom material and absolutely loved the first call I attended Monday. For those of you who have transitioned from crawling to walking to running, what are your top 3 lessons that you'd share with your baby skooler self?
New comment 4h ago
Top 3 Lessons
1 like โ€ข 3d
@Andrew Brame yes!!! Notes really help me learn and remember ๐Ÿ’œ
1 like โ€ข 2d
@Jack Dulude thank you, looking forward to playing the game with you.
Hormozi + SamTheMan = Valuable 1-Day
Congratulations again to all the August 1-day winners. It was great to meet you all. This 1-day had 87% more laughter and banter than previous 1-days, so look out for the recordings when they drop. I am jealous of Sam. He always looks the same in every picture. I think he is a robot. But y'know like one of those hot robots. That just me?
New comment 1h ago
Hormozi + SamTheMan = Valuable 1-Day
3 likes โ€ข 2d
this photo represents having fun as we build and make money! thank you for sharing
30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days @ Skool
it's been wild - to say the least - last night I hit Lv 7 in the Games Community (trip to skool HQ soon as Lv7 is just around the corner here) - I get my ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ tomorrow - I've found my people (thank you all) I started my skool account after a 3 month "sabbatical" I transitioned away from my exec role at an ad agency, ready for the next adventure I was lost until I wasn't skool created that special "feeling" ... ... you know the one it's indescribable. right there in your gut. it just feels "right" it took me a week to figure things out and get the lay of the land see how it works. form a strategy. get some form of direction first, so speed can be applied and here we are - 30 days later 34 members in the paid group. no ads. no marketing. no promo. no past audience to leverage just using the skills and experiences from the past 12 years of writing copy, marketing, running ads and building businesses to play this game, inside this ecosystem the boats are burned, and I am ALL IN these are 30 lessons I've learned over the past 30 days, I hope you find them valuable p.s: add your own lesson in the comments! (and if you'd like anything expanded upon, just ask!) 1. the likes don't matter at all, and they also matter a lot 2. @Mimi Ramsey is a badass. Don't ever get in a war with her - even IF she starts it 3. engage with people - like REALLY engage. If you're commenting, add some damn value, don't just write a few words or leave your vague opinion 4. there are cheat codes to the Skool Game 5. start the damn community. Figure the rest out later 6. the simplest skool funnel is the best 7. most top 10 skool game winners are bad models for building your building skool communities 8. there is more than one way to skin the cat 9. if you show up daily with value, you can't lose 10. @Dr. Stephen Buscema is the ultimate hype man 11. simple at a macro level, hyper tactical at the micro level 12. you can learn from every single person here 13. choose a few core communities that have your ideal client and go a MILE DEEP into them 14. spending time on skool and being active IS work 15. we're so fucking early to this platform 16. if you don't have an audience or list of contacts to leverage and value speed, ads are the play 17. if you don't have an audience or list of contacts to leverage and value quality, youtube is the play 18. what matters is getting people to your skool page and then inside your skool page. how you do it is up to you - it all works 19. there are no rules or "best" ways to do it ... everyone is figuring it out as they go along 20. remember you only see 5% max of what other people are ACTUALLY doing 21. spend 90% of your time researching your market so you nail your about page words/bullets and VSL - you can tweak your traffic sources much more easily to get more traffic 22. you'll meet people and feel like you've known them for years ... @Hunter Johnston @Kym Lam Sam @Alex Kilbee @Raquaza Moss @Koen Cramer @Rens van Daalen 23. your ability to focus on LESS and do more of it, better, can put you miles ahead in a short time 24. add value every single day 25. don't ever mention your community or link it (unless people ask) 26. if you're starting a free community and then want to transition it to paid, start marketing it and selling it as if it is paid - as you're conversion event isn't getting people into the free community, it's the paid community 27. make sure you have an objective in mind so everything you do can move you toward it (everything else is a distraction, keep the main thing the main thing) 28. study what @Ryan Duncan @Andrew Kirby and at @Matthew Thompson post and say - there's gold in their content 29. keep it simple. simple is sophisticated. when you find yourself overwhelmed - stop, breathe, and write ... get your thoughts down on paper and ask "what would this look like if it were simple" - then go do that thing 30. The name of the game is traffic and conversions. The people who get MORE people to their page AND get more inside of it - win
New comment 3d ago
30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days @ Skool
1 like โ€ข 3d
Thank you for sharing @Nick Maier. I just started but Iโ€™ll be back here to share some pointers as I learn and grow. I appreciate you.
Omg!!! Just got my first annual member!!!
I launched my paid community on Monday at $197 and got my first monthly member. Then I watched @Alex Hormozi โ€™s call and created an annual offer that no one who has the money could refuse. $999 for a whole year!!! PLUS 3 amazing bonuses! My personal goal is for at least 50% to opt for annual. I help people write, publish, and market their books. And that is a marathon! When they commit to a year, they commit to completing their book this year. I say this on the about page. And just now, I got my second paid member โ€” and she opted for the annual membership!!! Iโ€™m at 50% now. Letโ€™s see what happens as I drive more traffic to my page with ads. So much work and so much fun so far. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Woot woot!!!
New comment 5d ago
2 likes โ€ข 5d
Way to go!!
2 likes โ€ข 5d
@Ellie Shoja thanks for sharing the knowledge last night!
1-9 of 9
Neloo Naderi
25points to level up
Many are called but few are chosen. I'm Neloo! Currently building my Insurance Agency at AO Globe Life and leveraging skool to serve more families.

Active 3h ago
Joined Sep 23, 2024
Boise, Idaho
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