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8 contributions to Creation
Recording of 'How To Create And SELL Courses, Coaching, And Consulting Programs With AI'?
Hey Everyone, greetings from Downunder - Tasmania, Australia. Wondering if there's a recording of the recent session 'How To Create And SELL Courses, Coaching, And Consulting Programs With AI'? I tried to join at 4:30am (my time) to watch however my eyelids and brain had other sleepy ideas! Cheers
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
@Tyler Dorsey Thanks!
I made over $5k this week doing the thing to my list: “I’ve got this thing, email me for the link if you want it” Thank you Frank 🥂
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
Congratulations, @Shazzie Love ! Can you tell me where to find the video or post where Frank explains this strategy? I did not see it.
0 likes • May '23
@Shazzie Love Oh, I see, no problem, thanks for the reply.
Making sales on a waitlist?
Loves have any of you secretly sold on a waitlist before a launch? I’m launching in 3 weeks but thinking I can do a waitlist price for those who are interested… Any tips?
New comment May '23
Making sales on a waitlist?
1 like • May '23
Hi @Shazzie Love, I loved the list that @Nicolaus Nosewicz has posted above. I don’t know exactly what your offer or product is, it is not clear from what I see in this post. But I assume for the sake of this post that it is an online course. I never have sold to a wait list before myself. But thought of 1 more tip that could be helpful to you: BOOST ENGAGEMENT: Think of 1 small part of your offer (maybe the title of a course module, or an element in a module) for which you can let the people on the wait list make a choice out of 2 or 3. And make a poll out of it, so they can VOTE. This also works great with book titles or book covers by the way. For example, you ask them: “Which of these 3 titles should I choose for module 3?” Or: "Should I add element A or B in module 3?”. Of course I don’t know your product, but I’m sure you can think of something yourself. I have seen that this really increases the engagement of your wait list, because they feel that they can have an influence on, or contribution to your product or course.
1 like • May '23
That's great to hear @Shazzie Love I thought you might come up yourself with some ideas for questions to ask your wait list. Go for it! 😊
Hi ALL! I just joined the group
I joined AI OG Customer Machine yesterday and thought I'd introduce myself. Hi! I'm Joseph. Wonderful to meet you all! Basically I teach awareness in body, mind and soul. For this I created many trainings, which sleep in my computer. The challenge is to bring them online. And this is why I am here, to let people know about my Deep Awareness Academy. The shift for me is going from being creator to marketer. I am looking forward to be in this group and find out more about marketing and to make friends.
New comment May '23
Hi ALL! I just joined the group
2 likes • May '23
Welcome Joseph! Well I think this is the right place for you to be a creator and a marketer at the same time! Go for it!
Do you Go for No?
This year I have decided to read more books on these major topics: Brain Optimization, Mindset Optimization, and Money. This weekend I re-read Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz aka @GoForNo It is a short, fable-style story that is impactful and is considered a must-read by many in sales. Here are a few quotes I highlighted as I was reading. “Most people get to the sign marked ‘failure’ and they figure they’re heading in the wrong direction, turn around and head back home. They think that success must be back the other way, but it’s not! It’s straight ahead!” ”Failing… and becoming a failure… are two very different things. Successful people fail eagerly while failures avoid failing. The whole point of becoming willing to fail more is to become a success, so that one day you won’t be forced to look back on your life and say to yourself, ‘I’m a failure.’” ”While we have absolutely no control over the actions of others, we do have total and complete control over how we react. What if we decided to make each no we received and every rejection we encountered something that empowers us?” Have a recommendation on what I should consider reading next?
New comment Feb 24
3 likes • May '23
@Adele Mostert Yes, I have read it and I recommend reading it (meaning 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall), because it is very practical Top nugget 1. you can apply it to many things in your life and business or work. Top nugget 2: The more you think of the 80/20 rule, the more you see all the things it applies to.
3 likes • May '23
Yes, I have read it and I recommend reading it (meaning 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall), because it is very insightful! See also my reply to Adele Mostert below.
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Nelly van der Palen
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International communication

Active 6d ago
Joined Mar 7, 2023
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