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Lifting Power Tools

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4 contributions to Lifting Power Tools
Your health & wellness is more important than your business
Your health & wellness is more important than your business. What good is your business if you end up suffering consequences of lifestyle related health concerns? Heart attacks & heart surgeries… Diabetes & dialysis… Addictions & rehabs… Doctors offices & hospital beds… The next deal, the next transaction, & the next call… is now on hold for the real most important priority. Your well being. I don’t say this to create fear. I say this to help you shift your mindset & really focus on what matters most. When you choose to make your health & wellness a non negotiable priority. You’re doing the best thing you can ever do for your family, for your business partners, & for everyone who depends on you. Bringing forward the best version of you is not about the surface level six pack abs or nice butt… You can build those too haha It’s about being alive, experiencing life at the highest level, being present, & really showing up as the person you’re fully capable of being. Your health is either going to be your greatest asset to the people who depend on you & care about you. Or going to become a liability from unhealthy habits. Make sure that you are your greatest asset. & give your people the version of you that they deserve.
New comment Apr 13
0 likes • Apr 13
BOY... I can relate 20 pounds ago, high cholesterol, in ER with blood pressure of 194/109, all numbers were crazily high and then the mindset changed. I might be 70 next year but until I tell folks and my great health results, they have no idea and their jaws drop.
I am going to challenge you. Have you ever said... "I don't eat that bad" "I only eat healthy food" Or similar statements? The answer is yes for most people. The next question I ask after this statement is "ok well how many calories are you consuming?" Most likely you cannot answer that question. If you can... What are you macros? Are you tracking everything you put in your mouth every day, including beverages? Are you actually weighing and measuring your food? Sounds like a lot. But this is how you actually know what you are eating. Sauces count. Oils count. Liquor counts. These are the little things that I find add anywhere from 500 to 1000 extra calories a day! Those cooking sprays that are zero calories are not. lol. Look at the label and see that the measurement on the label is so small that calories do not need to be reported. If its oil it has fat. Fat has calories. It actually has the most calories. One big game changer I am giving you is to actually track your food. Boom. It's that simple to start getting control of what you are eating. It is an eye opening experience.
New comment Apr 7
1 like • Apr 7
I agree 100%. Until I got an app and recorded everything, I had no clue. And now.. amazing results. People have no idea how much sodium and sugar are in foods. Could be the reason for my high blood pressure. But now, I keep it all under control and after my doctors check-up last week, I started laughing. My sodium level dropped dramatically and the doctor told me that I needed to add sodium into my diet. And sugar… the powers to be disguise it so well with different names. Record it and shock yourself.
The one thing!
What's the one thing that you have been putting off or neglecting to do because you don't like it. Mine has been cardio. I love lifting weights but I despise traditional cardio. I love sports and can run around the fields but Stairmaster/Treadmill/Eliptical make me want to puke. With that said I took updated progress photos 2 days ago and I immediately was disappointed in myself. I knew I haven't been doing what I needed to do to trim off this extra fat layer I have lingering around. Yesterday I did 30 min stair master hitting 2000 steps and 127 floor climed Today I did 15 min treadmill incline 15% at 3.3 mph and then 15min seated bike lvl 14 for 15min Keeping my heatrate in the 70% target range. What's the one thing you've been neglecting?
New comment Apr 4
The one thing!
0 likes • Apr 3
@Holly Wolfer I love meal prep and chopping. Actually, took an hour or so off last night to do just that and when ready to eat, just put it in my air fryer and instant pot. Great therapy for me.
Three ingredients Daily
Consume the proper amount of Protein, Water and Fiber every day. Start your morning off with 16 ounces of water for you are dehydrated after your good night sleep. And start every meal with a protein before eating carbs or anything else!
New comment Apr 3
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Mike Glass
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I assist buyers and sellers in reaching toward their real estate financial goals in Florida and Georgia without the stress of what do I do next.

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Joined Apr 2, 2024
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