I am going to challenge you.
Have you ever said...
"I don't eat that bad"
"I only eat healthy food"
Or similar statements?
The answer is yes for most people.
The next question I ask after this statement is "ok well how many calories are you consuming?"
Most likely you cannot answer that question. If you can...
What are you macros?
Are you tracking everything you put in your mouth every day, including beverages?
Are you actually weighing and measuring your food?
Sounds like a lot. But this is how you actually know what you are eating.
Sauces count. Oils count. Liquor counts.
These are the little things that I find add anywhere from 500 to 1000 extra calories a day!
Those cooking sprays that are zero calories are not. lol. Look at the label and see that the measurement on the label is so small that calories do not need to be reported. If its oil it has fat. Fat has calories. It actually has the most calories.
One big game changer I am giving you is to actually track your food. Boom. It's that simple to start getting control of what you are eating.
It is an eye opening experience.
David Smith
Lifting Power Tools
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