Your health & wellness is more important than your business
Your health & wellness is more important than your business.
What good is your business if you end up suffering consequences of lifestyle related health concerns?
Heart attacks & heart surgeries…
Diabetes & dialysis…
Addictions & rehabs…
Doctors offices & hospital beds…
The next deal, the next transaction, & the next call… is now on hold for the real most important priority.
Your well being.
I don’t say this to create fear.
I say this to help you shift your mindset & really focus on what matters most.
When you choose to make your health & wellness a non negotiable priority.
You’re doing the best thing you can ever do for your family, for your business partners, & for everyone who depends on you.
Bringing forward the best version of you is not about the surface level six pack abs or nice butt…
You can build those too haha
It’s about being alive, experiencing life at the highest level, being present, & really showing up as the person you’re fully capable of being.
Your health is either going to be your greatest asset to the people who depend on you & care about you.
Or going to become a liability from unhealthy habits.
Make sure that you are your greatest asset.
& give your people the version of you that they deserve.
David Smith
Your health & wellness is more important than your business
Lifting Power Tools
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