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Dan Callaway Studio

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6 contributions to Dan Callaway Studio
Teaching and other creative blocks
I'm a teacher -- it's part of my calling, I believe. I also noticed lately that I've used teaching as a block to expression. I asked myself recently -- who am I so grateful for because they wrote that song, novel, poem, painted that painting? Stephen Sondheim, Victor Hugo, Emily Dickinson, Honthorst (a painter I was always drawn to at London's National Gallery). And endless list of folks -- Richard Rodgers, CS Lewis, Billy Collins, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Madeleine L'Engle............ Yesterday in a lesson, I thought -- here's a teacher, a student, and a collaborative pianist all gathered around "A Foggy Day" by the Gershwins. We're reaping the riches from this tune 100 years later. So, why am I holding my songs and stories back? Maybe one person might enjoy it or want to sing it one day. If I write a song, and it makes one person's day better, that's a complete sharing, and it's worth it to me. I have a recital date on the calendar at the Conservatory in October, and I decided it's going to be original songs. Most of them I haven't written yet. I'll keep you posted. What are your creative ways to block yourself? And what kind of thing will someone be so grateful you shared?
New comment 9d ago
0 likes β€’ 9d
OOOPH and ouchy! This is real. After dedicating 10 years of my life to teaching others and assisting/supporting others, I have learned the same about myself. I used my "work" as a block. I have become a helper not a doer. It is actually causing my frustration. What do we do, Danny?
Real quick -- Can you help me?
Do you find this Skool space helpful? Is it beneficial having this community here as opposed to a Facebook group where you'd see notifications pop up when there's a new post, course, or event? What's most helpful for you? Please add any specifics you need in the comments. Thanks
11 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
1 like β€’ 11d
I would stay stay here. It's all the same at the end of the day. Your people will be your people. Be you and keep sharing
Yoga in a mess
This morning I did a 15 minute yoga flow on my nutrition app -- it was terrific. There were plush toys all over the living room floor, and I didn't have the yoga mat, so my brain was like "you don't have a minimalist studio with a plant in the corner, how are you going to do yoga??" I did it on the living room rug, slipping out of down dog a few times and falling out of whatever that arms out leg up tilt forward pose is -- it was great to move and stretch my body. I'll be back tomorrow. What imaginary excuses are you throwing in your way? Leave the plush toys in the floor and practice your stuff. You'll be proud of you
New comment 15d ago
1 like β€’ 19d
My mind loves excuses. You are too old. You are too fat. Why are you wasting your time.
How to make your tongue your bestie
New on the YouTubes today -- Who can tame the tongue, indeeeeed?
New comment Aug 15
How to make your tongue your bestie
1 like β€’ Aug 7
the voices are everything
What's pain-ted you to singing?
I meant to write "what's pointed you to singing?" But the pain typo pun struck me. The hurt that led me to sing was also like paint slowly applied to a canvas, creating an integrated work over time. 🎨 Singing is a healing art. It’s a win-win because it can restore the singer and the hearer at the same time. The divine design for my life includes something like: Things are going to shake down in Dan’s life that hurt. We’ll give him a strong flame of faith that will stay lit through all manner of shenanigan rain, poppycock gusts, and floods of rigamarole. We’ll send wise, loving teachers, stick-with-him friends, and patient mentors in his path to gold-cement him back together when he gets busted up. Hopefully, he’ll listen to them. And, we’ll make it so that singing is something he needs to do. This way, when he wants to give up, that faith fire will urge him to work out his breathing, pitch, tension, psychological, self-concept, music theory, vocal transition, shame, and other general challenges. And, we’ll give him a heaping scoop of inquisitiveness that will show up as unwieldy know-it-all-ism, but the aforementioned bust-ups will provide ample opportunity to transform it into curiosity and wonder. Then he can use the truths he gained in number 4 to help other folks who need to sing. Ok, hands in the middle! 1-2-3 Gooooooo Divine Life Design Team! Where do you spot patterns in your life that have led you to sing?
New comment Jul 26
1 like β€’ Jul 24
I am sitting at Joe and The Juice in Brentwood with tears. I feel so much of the same. My angels said - Let's give him parents that will stop him and not support him. They will teach him to swallow emotions and pain. Let's show him power people that sing and express larger than life as a North Star. oh, plus we will give him a talent to kick and pirouette as a way to enter into the world of the arts but his voice will be what he really cherishes. He will want to dive into a mystical world as a way to help his expression. But no matter where he goes or does...the stage will continue to call
1 like β€’ Jul 26
@Dan Callaway Thank you. I am building my strength for my comeback
1-6 of 6
Entering my Come Back Era

Active 2d ago
Joined May 29, 2024
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