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Ad Master Academy

Public • 63 • Free

Ad Master Coaching

Public • 94 • Paid

4 contributions to Ad Master Academy
I am working on GA4 optimisation. Is someone here comfortable with GA4 conversion implementations and reporting? 🙏
New comment Feb '23
2 likes • Feb '23
Mostly for enhanced e-com tracking (measuring conversion value) to set this up correctly in GA4. And any other set-up tips for GA4
New Free Training (Tag Manager)
I've created a Conversion Tracking training in which I walk you through Google Tag Manager and how to use it. I've broken it up into smaller videos, all under 20 minutes, so it's easier to consume. This is a functional training, so I talk about some things that are possible, but I show you how to set up tags, triggers, adjust variables, find the right variables to use, and test. Now for the fun part. You have to unlock this training! *insert evil laugh To get this training, all you have to do is make it to level 2 within the community. You can create new posts or comment on existing posts and each action will get you closer to the next level. Give it a try! When you get to level 2, click on 'Classroom' at the top of the Skool navigation menu and you'll see the training there. Give it a shot and let me know your thoughts on the training!
New comment Jan '23
1 like • Dec '22
Sounds good! Is it updated to work well with GA4?
1 like • Dec '22
@Ryan Baker okay, thanks!
Would you rather...
Curious as to whether this platform is what you want to see or if a Facebook group would be easier to use. I like the community gamification, but I know it's not what people are used to. Looking to get your thoughts and preferences. Let me know in the comments!
New comment Dec '22
1 like • Dec '22
I also don't use Facebook. I could do Linkedin or Telegram
Let's start helping each other out
Hey all, thanks for joining! I want to make this community a helpful place, but I'm relying on you to make that happen. Here are a few ways we can start increasing the value received from this group: 1. Introduce yourself! If we get to know each other, we can start to build trust and recognize each other when we post. 2. Ask a question or share some insight! Engaging with each other will provide value and make the group helpful and interesting for everyone. Curious about something you saw in Google Ads? Drop a question in the "Account Questions" category. Have you found something cool that you think others would find useful? Share it in the "Insights" category! Frustrated by Google being ridiculous? Share your experience in the "WTF Google?!?" category! This is a safe place with people going through similar experiences. Let's support each other! 3. Invite other ad managers! The more members this group has, the more we can learn and grow together! None of us knows everything and we can all help each other navigate the wild frontier that is Google Ads if we band together, ask questions, and share what we're learning. 4. Tell me what you want to see! I am a firm believer in giving the market what they want. You're the founding members of this community, and have dibs on all requests to shape the content as you see fit! Let me know what you want to see, what would be valuable, and how I could improve the experience here and I'll do my best to make it happen for you. This category (Feedback/Recommendations) is here for you to voice your thoughts, requests, and opinions. Lastly... There's no shame here! Asking questions is not a sign of inferiority. I'll be personally ejecting any member that bashes someone for asking a question, so we can all feel safe to engage and utilize the power of this community. Thank you all so much for joining. I look forward to engaging with you in this group and becoming ad masters together! -Ryan Baker
New comment Mar '23
1 like • Nov '22
Hi! I am Marloes (or Marley, might be easier) and I am from the Netherlands, but lived in Barcelona and I am now a digital nomad in LATAM. I have experience in Google Ads for about 7 years, worked for Google for 2. I am now a freelancer, working together with marketing agencies and direct clients.
1-4 of 4
Marloes Slotboom
11points to level up
Dutch business owner living the digital nomad life.

Active 20d ago
Joined Nov 14, 2022
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