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Reality Hacker Game Studios

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5 contributions to Reality Hacker Game Studios
New Podcast!!
Bing Bang Boom! Y’all take 28 minutes out of your day and listen to this fire Michael Gustin and I just dropped. I’m so excited for what we’ve got planned at Reality Hacker Studios. When you’re setting out to pursue a dream, the majority of the battle is won in the mind. You have to believe now only that it’s possible, but that YOU’RE the person for the job. Overcoming that limiting self belief is the number one hurdle that opens up a world of possibilities. Helping Indie Devs overcome that hurdle is our mission, and I’m super proud of the first entry into sharing that message on our podcast.
New comment 27d ago
1 like • 27d
This is fantastic, can I post this on twitter?
Feedback Friday!
What are y’all working on??? Starting a new weekly roundtable today to share what you’ve got cooking. Whether it’s a work in progress, new release, stick figure drawing on a napkin, let’s chat about what kind of progress we’re making and help each other get where we wanna go! Here’s one of the first visuals of the combat phase coming in the mega update for our game Codebreaker Crush. Been in a wild journey turning this little Candycrush Clone prefab into something we’re really excited to share.
New comment 28d ago
Feedback Friday!
1 like • 28d
I've been working on Codex Lost 2. Here particularly, I've been trying to make spells look super fancy and impactful.
1 like • 28d
@Zach Goodfellow Right! The sound needs to be perfect. This game has no sound whatsoever yet... I'll need to find some... somehow... 🤔
Unpopular Game Mechanics You Secretly Love?
Do you have a "guilty pleasure" game mechanic? Something that we constantly see people hate on or we see massive negative sentiment towards, but you secretly love games that do it? Personally, I freaking love a live service game. Maybe it's the decade of Destiny that has just conditioned me to be okay with a constantly changing game, but I always have interest in a subscription game that has constant evolution. Sure sometimes the devs go in a direction that I don't like, but they can also go in a direction that I would have never predicted that's freaking awesome. What about y'all?
New comment 29d ago
Unpopular Game Mechanics You Secretly Love?
1 like • 29d
A lot of soulslikes these days like to bring the bosses thick and fast, punctuating tidy but cleverly designed segments of level. Whilst this is fine, my heart of hearts likes vast and sprawling levels, sometimes one after an another, before eventually - rarely, coming to a boss. Whilst bosses are a key part of soulslikes, for me the highlights are always the areas.
Who is your Ideal Player?
When’s the last time, if ever, you brainstormed who your ideal player is? Not sure what I mean? In the marketing world, there’s a concept known as the “Ideal Customer Avatar.” Essentially, think of it as the most in-depth character creation screen you’ve ever seen, where you piece together the perfect person that would benefit from your product. We’ve gone through this exercise with countless business owners, and of course, have done this for ourselves many times. What makes it such a powerful exercise is that you’re left with a compass of everything your product needs to be, and how to present it so that it provides maximum value to your perfect customer. (We’ll get into how to do this in a second.) I haven’t quite seen anyone discuss this all that much in the game dev space, and it seems like a no-brainer of an exercise. Imagine being able to think, “Would my ideal player like this new mechanic?” or “Would my ideal player respond to this ad?” every time you were making a big decision. Beats the heck out of shooting in the dark and hoping for the best. So, if you’re tired of feeling lost as to what decisions need to be made for your game, let’s talk about your ideal player. 🎮BUILDING OUT THE IDEAL PLAYER🎮 Think of all the characteristics that make up someone who would be a perfect match for your game: - What kind of games do they like? - What’s their personality like? - How old are they? - What social media platforms do they hang out on? - What clichés in the industry tick them off? - What motivates them when they play games? This description will change and adapt over time. Start out with literally a fantasy version of the ideal person. Chances are, there’s a large group of people that fit that description. Write all of these notes down somewhere and keep them easily accessible so you can refresh yourself on your ideal player when you need guidance. Finally, and this one is going to sound weird, name them. Achievement Hunter Harry or something catchy and descriptive. This makes them real in your mind.
New comment 30d ago
2 likes • Jun 6
I'd like to see a worksheet of this quality but only applied to marketing.
Thoughts on AI in Gamedev?
We just added a free resource in the classroom tab! It's a cheat sheet on how to prompt ChatGPT for more efficient use and better results. There's a short article in there sharing our thoughts on AI. What are your thoughts?
3 members have voted
New comment Jun 1
2 likes • May 31
The responsible use of AI in game design is an area I'm really interested in. We should consider how best to employ this new tool for its many uses but simultaneously be very cautious of its potential effect on the economic dynamics of society. The jobs of graphic designers are already being lost to AI - companies that can now simply run templates through an AI for free no longer need graphic designers and thousands of jobs in this field have been lost, this is just the tip of the iceberg and it is both a negative and positive thing. On the one hand, we'll be forced to rethink how we economise creativity in the short term, however in the long term we get essentially free resources and labour - for example, when we reach the point that AI machinery can mine asteroids for us, free of human workforce. The transition period between these two states of economy is going to be hard, and it is in the face of this period of difficulty that we now see a rise in the anti-AI movement. This movement is understanable, but ultimately ill-fated. --------------------------------------------- In Codex Lost, I made use of AI in a number of ways. First, in generative text ideas. I'll feed CHATGpt several items on a list and ask it to generate a longer list based on criteria - usually what it generates is crap, but every now and then it has something interesting. These interesting items can be taken and used as a creatuve springboard. I also used generative text AI to help solve a few issues to do with specific coding problems in UE4 - again, usually the advice is nonsense. But occasionally it has a few keywords included within its predictive sprawl which can help me to find the correct forum which includes an actually useful human response. The main way which I used AI was in image generation. This was a multistep process. 1 - I make some art, usually in UE4. 2 - I feed the art to an image AI along side prompt style instructions, and it sends me back an updated version of the image
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Mark Bannister
12points to level up
Freemana is a small studio working on the 'Codex Lost' game series.

Active 18d ago
Joined May 25, 2024
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