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135 contributions to Agency Service Scaling Kings👑
Support For The Economical Email Conquest System
Hey everyone!! If any of the SDK+ members have questions about the email system, please post in the Skool community and tag me in the post and I'll be more than happy to help you out! Cheers!
New comment 5d ago
Support For The Economical Email Conquest System
0 likes • 17d
@Safwan Bayouq it doesn't change anything even though the fifth account is on another IP address? cause on three groups of 5 accounts, 4 accounts are one IP and the last one is on another IP address. Should I configure them on groups of 4 (and so leaving a few accounts out), or try to do it on groups of 5 (if I can log with another PC on the VPN at the same time and so log on the first 4 with one PC and the fifth on another PC)?
1 like • 17d
@Safwan Bayouq I'll go with the second option to avoid wasting accounts (if I can access nordvpn on two computers at the same time)
Your best piece of advice for a cold calling newbie? Appreciated!
New comment 20d ago
2 likes • 20d
I'm not going to give you advice as I haven't really found much success in cold calling, but I highly suggest to watch this video by one of the best sales coach out there (specifically about cold calling) Hope this helps
Hi, it is Malik, I am here to learn facebook ads to overdeliver to my clients.
New comment Aug 11
0 likes • Aug 8
welcome mate
To the SMMA owners who feel like Giving Up....
Being an SMMA Owner is a wild ride at times. Here's an honest message for SMMA Owners who might be facing stressful times...
New comment Aug 11
To the SMMA owners who feel like Giving Up....
1 like • Aug 8
awesome video!
Door Knocking
Id love some advice on this choice I'm faced with Currently I work in a freezer at a warehouse. Its dreadful at times but it's not too terrible. & I get off at 2PM & have the rest of the day to myself for business. I have mad resistance towards cold calling and sales in general, and I've been really trying to get over that, so I'm looking at sales jobs to help get over that fear. I have a new sales job opportunity for a home remodeling company that only does door knocking sales, but it's long ass hours and more time taken away from the day. I'm not sure if I should stay where I am, suck it up and get good at cold calling or take this job, door knock for a while and gain the resilience that way. Idk why I feel such resistance towards this in the first place, not too sure what to do. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks guys
New comment Aug 5
1 like • Aug 2
Hey Jake, I was in the same situation just a few months ago. Terrified of cold calling, I was so scared that I had tachycardia every time I THOUGHT about it, so trust me when I say that you can get rid of this fear too. From my personal experience, starting is the most difficult part, is when you'll feel the most resistance (now I keep having resistance towards starting to call, but not because of fear). In my first few days of cold calling, I was nervous for the whole time, from start to finish, but after a while, I got to a point where the resistance goes away completely after the first 5 calls. What I did in those first few days to force myself to start calling was just having Skype open next to the list of leads I was going to call and just dial a number without thinking about it. I forced my body to dial the number without thinking about anything. Not thinking about what I was going to say or how to handle an objection, just the physical action of dialling a number. After 500 cold calls, the fear went away completely cause I got used to being rejected. Now, I still feel a bit of fear sometimes, right before starting, but it's nowhere near the fear I had at the start and I just trained myself to do the physical action of dialling a number, so fear doesn't stop me anymore from doing the calls. Now while I'm writing this I realized that if I have Skype and a list of leads in front of me, I will start calling. If not, I will just fuck around and watch Hormozi and Charlie Morgan's videos. So from now on, when the calendar notification of the cold calling session starts, I will just open Skype and the list of leads and have it in front of me, because I know that I can force my body to just dial a number and then I won't stop. Plus, would HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest watching the video I linked by Charlie Morgan... like watch it 50 times (as I'm doing, I watch it whenever I have the time), it will help you a ton in understanding the whole resistance thing and how to handle pain.
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Mario Pascuzzo
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Joined May 6, 2024
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