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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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72 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Becoming the Top Community - How Long?
I am curious to see how long it would take Russell to get to the top of Skool How wants to place a bet?
39 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
Becoming the Top Community - How Long?
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As soon as he sets his mind to it, right @Russell Brunson ? 😂
Welcome, Prime Movers! You are now part of an exclusive community of driven, entrepreneurial minds who are not just aiming for success but are determined to change the world. This is our corner of the internet, a place where your ambitions are understood, your achievements celebrated, and your potential can be unleashed. In this community, you'll find a diverse group of high achievers who, like you, are pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Ready to dive in? Here’s your first mission… Unlock your Next Level by gaining 5 points so you can: - Create Posts - DM Members - Unlock HOURS of Courses Start by introducing yourself to the community below! This isn't the time to sit on the sidelines. It’s time to step up and take action. Here's how to do it: 1. Scroll down to the comment area and type an introduction to yourself. 2. Comment on 3 people's introductions. 3. Like 2 people's comments. Share a little bit about yourself and answer these questions: - Who are you? - What are you trying to sell (NO links or pitches)? - What has stood in your way of success? - Share an interesting, random, or noteworthy fact about yourself. PRO TIP: As you interact, you'll earn additional points which will unlock the ability to Post and DM other members, as well as potentially unlock additional gifts. Share - provide valuable support and climb the leaderboard to prove you are a Prime Mover. Get the FULL WALKTHROUGH of the community & what you can unlock here!
New comment 6m ago
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@Kare Mackenzie "fast, imperfect action" 🙌
2 likes • 7d
@Sheila MacArthur @Jacy Everett Hello, neighbors! I live in Wakefield!! & wow! Sheila - just looked at your profile - I also formulate skincare!
YFFC is Back!!
Your First Funnel Challenge is back! Who's in?? This course was my intro to the @Russell Brunson Universe! If you loved the speakers at #FHL , you get even MORE with this webinar. I was absolutely hooked. DO IT NOW!!! (IYKYK)
New comment 7d ago
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@Brandon Hunsaker My background is sports medicine, holistic wellness and nutrition (so well-versed in everything human body) and my hobbies are cooking and mixology. My Physical Therapy & Wellness biz wasn't looking great after Covid (I had a partner), it coincided w/ a time I was looking for great age supporting skincare. I saw the gross ingredients and toxins in almost EVERY product - even the expensive stuff and many claiming to be clean/honest/green/natural. We are truly on our own in navigating this space. So I figured I'd just make it myself! Turns out that's not that simple - so I got my Diploma in Organic Skincare formulation, made an awesome cream and several other amazing products, and they WORKED! Next thing I knew, my friends and family wanted it, so I started selling very small time last holiday season. I kinda launched in May, then took a step back to learn the marketing and sales side of business. Ready to make a big push any day now! Of all my talents - none of it was business related! That's how I ended up finding ClickFunnels and the amazing community! NOW all I need is that Shopping cart feature to be implemented! Sorry, that was a lot. Where are you at in your journey??
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@Erica Beache I would say either of them will get you pretty proficient in funnels. YFFC is a 5 day seminar/webinar full of speakers with sessions with coaches, VIP level, etc., and OFA was an hour a day, 2 days per week for several weeks. So they're structured differently. I say do all the things. I've never regretted anything from CF!
The Immovable Mover: Mastering the 3 Levels of Selling
I’m SUPER EXCITED for the upcoming Selling Online Event and diving back into all of my notes—it’s SO GOOD that I wanted to kick off a new series, sharing some of my key takeaways from each session. Let’s dive into some of my biggest insights from Session 1: The Immovable Mover. What I Learned: The 3 Levels of Selling 1. Face-to-Face Selling: This is where many start, but it’s limited. You can only sell as much as your time allows, and time is a finite resource. 2. One-to-Many Selling: This is where things get interesting! Selling to multiple people at once through webinars, presentations, and more allows you to scale WITHOUT being held back by time. Imagine multiplying your reach with the same effort! 3. Sales Funnels (Automation): This is the ultimate game-changer. Automating your sales with funnels means you're leveraging your time in the most efficient way possible. It’s like having a sales team working 24/7! When you combine Funnels with One-to-Many Presentations, you’re setting yourself up for MASSIVE IMPACT. 🔥 How You Can Apply This: Start by Identifying Where You Are: Are you stuck in face-to-face selling? It’s time to step into One-to-Many! Whether through webinars, live events, or even email marketing, start scaling your impact. Leverage Automation: Don’t just rely on manual efforts—use sales funnels to automate your process. Let the tech do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on delivering value and growing your business. How I’m Putting This into Practice: I’m currently applying these principles by building out my own sales funnels and PROMOTING the Selling Online event. I’ve already built out the Bridge Page showing my offer, and I’m brainstorming ways I can do a one-to-many presentation to promote this to my audience. This GAME is all about learning something and APPLYING it… So thats what I'm working on doing! Have you signed up for the Selling Online event yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Do you hate Money?! 😎 Go sign up right NOW!
New comment 6d ago
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@Jon Pakula I've seen her twice, yes! She's awesome, but her concept is so different. I have a consumable, fresh product. She's selling cupcake liners and pillowcases. It's just so different. I need repeat customers and reviews could make or break me. What they always gloss over is HOW they get the traffic - the attention to THEIR offer. We did get more of that in this past FHL, so there are some more tips. It's not always easy to reframe their idea/product/service to yours, though. But I will! And I will build a huge indie beauty umbrella brand that sells products that actually work and are safe for everyone! How is funnel building going? Are you certified thru CF?
0 likes • 7d
@Jeanette Massey Hi! I love what you're doing! I used to own a physical therapy & holistic wellness clinic! We also carried all sorts of supportive homeopathic nutritionals (sprays and drops, mainly) from Biolight Technologies. I don't use any fragrances, but my face cream and some body products have a little bit of essential oils. Not just for fragrance, though - they also aromaceuticals so they have purpose, too. My hand and foot cream has lavender (and it's so amazing). Otherwise, my scents usually come from hydrosols and carrier oils if they have a smell (tamanu, blueberry seed). As far as e-comm goes, I'm so new that I have not much to report. I am working on increasing my social media presence and I've really done well w/ my SEO (which I did last week - but it worked!). I'll be launching an ad campaign hopefully in the next few days, driving to my funnel and site. I can't wait for the shopping cart feature - that will be huge for those of us w/ several products. Funnels are great, but we need ppl to be able to "shop" on our sites. Not all shoppers need to be told what they want - some just love browsing and buy all the things anyway! Are you thinking you'll sell your body butters and cleansers? What type of cleanser? I make several kinds of cleansers but am still working on what I think will be interesting on top of effective...I feel like every cleanser is niche-y. My daily cleanser isn't great for makeup removal and my bi-phase cleanser for makeup removal can be wiped off, but most will probably prefer to wash it off. It's like unless you aren't wearing makeup, you'll need to double-cleanse.
Hey everyone! Is anyone else here excited about the Shopping Cart Feature that's in the works?? I love that every feature request I've ever made has either been implemented or is being implemented. How cool is that?! I really need this since I sell natural skincare - it's important that people not only get in my funnels, but that they are able to shop from me like a regular website, too. Many people want to spend money just shopping without being steered! Fingers crossed it gets done soon! AND that I get to be a beta-tester!!!
New comment 8d ago
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@Jason Webb are you an e-comm biz? If you have one singular product, you don't need it, but if you'll have a line like me, it's huge!
1-10 of 72
Marika Conway
259points to level up
Hi! I am the owner & formulator at High Tea Skincare. I craft all-natural, age-defying products inspired by the antioxidant powerhouse, green tea.

Active 7d ago
Joined Aug 20, 2024
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