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Dan Callaway Studio

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3 contributions to Dan Callaway Studio
Sunday funnnies
Sunday morning share.... be like Judy!
New comment Jul 30
Sunday funnnies
1 like • Jul 28
Love this so much! Thanks for sharing 🥰
Getting to know you 🎶
Hey Theatre Singer! 🎭 Welcome to Dan Callaway Studio -- This community helps theatre singers sing great, audition beautifully, get to work, and create a wholehearted life through top-notch tools. We encourage each other, stoke generosity, and remember there's only one you, and somebody needs to her the story only you can sing. STEP 1: Introduce yourself below! (✂️ copy paste these questions 👇) 📍 Where are you from? and/or Where do you live now? 🎵 What song(s) are you currently working on? 🦄 Wave a magic wand and make one thing about your artist life true. What would happen? STEP 2: Read the rules and find out what you can start using in the classroom.
New comment 9d ago
Getting to know you 🎶
1 like • Jul 19
I live near Portland, Oregon. I’m obsessed with singing and have always wanted to learn how to belt high notes. In the spring I saw an ad for a cover band looking for a lead/backup singer and somehow I got the part! I’m so frustrated because I thought throwing myself into something like this would help me learn a lot faster but singing and performing is tough (I’m super cringe right now 😆)! A few songs I’m struggling with are 25 or 6 to 4 and the key change part in Hard to Say I’m Sorry from the band Chicago. I’m not in musical theatre but I will never forget the first time I went to a broadway show in NYC. The show was Rent and I was absolutely mesmerized and taken to another planet by those amazing other worldly voices. The voices felt like they vibrated my very soul and I did not want the experience to end. What a dream it would be to bring that kind of joy and healing to others.
What's pain-ted you to singing?
I meant to write "what's pointed you to singing?" But the pain typo pun struck me. The hurt that led me to sing was also like paint slowly applied to a canvas, creating an integrated work over time. 🎨 Singing is a healing art. It’s a win-win because it can restore the singer and the hearer at the same time. The divine design for my life includes something like: Things are going to shake down in Dan’s life that hurt. We’ll give him a strong flame of faith that will stay lit through all manner of shenanigan rain, poppycock gusts, and floods of rigamarole. We’ll send wise, loving teachers, stick-with-him friends, and patient mentors in his path to gold-cement him back together when he gets busted up. Hopefully, he’ll listen to them. And, we’ll make it so that singing is something he needs to do. This way, when he wants to give up, that faith fire will urge him to work out his breathing, pitch, tension, psychological, self-concept, music theory, vocal transition, shame, and other general challenges. And, we’ll give him a heaping scoop of inquisitiveness that will show up as unwieldy know-it-all-ism, but the aforementioned bust-ups will provide ample opportunity to transform it into curiosity and wonder. Then he can use the truths he gained in number 4 to help other folks who need to sing. Ok, hands in the middle! 1-2-3 Gooooooo Divine Life Design Team! Where do you spot patterns in your life that have led you to sing?
New comment Jul 26
1 like • Jul 19
Wow. This touched my heart. So much of this is how I feel in my heart but I’m just so bad with words. Beautifully written. For me singing has always been a huge source of comfort and healing. When I was little and unable to sleep at night because I was scared of being kidnapped I would fantasize about what I would do if I actually got taken. In my mind I would see myself singing for hours everyday in a cell (then it would go into a weird beauty and the beast thing) and learned to be happy anyway. Funny how even thinking about singing would help comfort me enough to go to sleep. As an adult I am going through some really difficult times where I feel hopeless and stuck in life and singing is what has been keeping me going. It has grown into quite the addiction (obsession) though. I can sing for hours and hours and lose all sense of space and time. The heartbreaking thing is it that even though it’s healing for me it does the opposite thing to others. I’ve watched an insane amount of YouTube tutorials and have had voice lessons but I’m just not able to sing the way I want so it can be an enjoyable shared experience. The frustration brings me to tears sometimes. I’m so happy I found your channel on YouTube! In one of your videos you talk about singing in the mask and how it actually comes from pharyngeal resonance. That was so incredibly huge for me! I absolutely love the way you explain things. It’s all finally starting to come together and make sense! Thank you so much for what you do 💝
1-3 of 3
Mandee Blaisdell
2points to level up
Singing is my favorite.

Active 23d ago
Joined Jul 19, 2024
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